Awareness Without Action is Worthless

Awareness without action is worthless. - Phil McGrawAre there certain actions or thoughts that have a negative impact on you and trigger you to feel a certain way? Possibly angry, envious, jealous, sad?

Maybe your partner isn’t contributing as much as you think they should. Or perhaps your kids choose to ignore their chores and it becomes one more thing you have to do. Can you relate?

If you can say yes in that you are aware of what makes you feel a certain way, I want you to reach around and pat yourself on the back. Having that awareness is a gift to yourself. Now, the key is taking action on it. We don’t want for each time we feel triggered to just let it be.

Let’s say you can relate to feeling that your partner isn’t doing their fair share. Rather than stewing on it and feeling angry, what can you do to take action on your awareness? You could explain to them how you’re feeling and ask for help. If that seems hard to do, imagine how it would feel to have them helping more, feeling happy, and doing more things together.

Take that energy with you to the conversation. Like Phil McGraw says “Awareness without action is worthless.” You have nothing to lose and so much to gain. Take action and let me know in the comments what area you see is a trigger for your feelings that you’d like to change. 

With much love and gratitude,


Find Your Focus: One Thing At a Time

Find Your Focus: One Thing At a Time When your to-do list is too long, how do you dare try to be more mindful? Or more in the moment? It’s the “more” part that catches me every time. Because I don’t need MORE things to do. I need less. A lot less!

But research shows that if you’re able to focus on the things in front of you, what you’re working on and doing right now, that you’ll be happier with all of your efforts as well has more energetic. I hate to say it but this sounds like it’s a good thing to be more in the present moment and mindful (there’s that dreaded “more” word again).

So how can you be more in the present moment and more mindful without adding yoga, meditation and a whole host of other guru-based activities to your already long to-do list?

I’ve come up with a way of doing this where I don’t add anything to my to plate of chores and I’m able to be more in the present moment. This means I’m enjoying life more and feeling more fulfilled by it.


I take the things I’m already doing and do them in a different order. So for example, when I’m eating breakfast, I just eat breakfast. I don’t take my plate and go eat in front of my computer or grab my phone and scroll Facebook. Who wants to come back to cold eggs? I take the time to eat all that’s on my place at once. Then, I go do all the other things that are next on my to-do list.

This keeps the run-around feeling to a minimum. It’s also more efficient because if you have to keep coming back to a task, you waste time pulling yourself away from it and re-engaging with it. If you’re anything like me, if you don’t complete the task at once it keeps crossing your mind over and over until you do complete it. That’s the worst!

Look at the things you do every day and see if you can practice doing them in a streamlined way.

How do you eat breakfast, lunch or dinner? How do you fold laundry? How do you write your blog posts? How do you prep for your day ahead?

Here’s a hint. If you feel like you’re overwhelmed from all of the multi-tasking, life might be easier and more enjoyable if you can find ways to begin and end one task at a time.

If you haven’t tried this yet, start with something small like brushing your teeth. Don’t try to read your emails on your smartphone while you’re brushing for two minutes. Stick only with brushing.

If you feel annoyed or bored with this, go deeper into your thoughts about brushing your teeth. How does it feel to scrub your teeth? What do the bristles feel like on your gums or tongue? How does your face look in the mirror while you’re brushing? It’s okay to fall into deep thoughts or to be silly with this. The idea is that your only focused on this one task.

Then you can try this approach on bigger things like writing a client email. Even if writing that message makes you think of ten other things you need to do or look up online, come back to that email until it’s done. Notice ~how it feels~ to not get lost down a rabbit hole of distractions when you focus on doing only one thing at a time.

This approach allows you to really live in the moment and focus on the “one” thing you’re doing right now, all without doing more of anything. Let me know in the comments how this approach makes you feel and if you think it might help you enjoy life better instead of taking on “more.”

With much love and gratitude,


The Here & Now: Being in the Present Moment

The Here & Now: Being in the Present MomentIt sounds great to “be in the present moment” doesn’t it? Of course that makes sense. But, it’s also a phrase that’s become very overused.

Here’s how I think about it’s meaning that might help you put it to good use instead of it floating around your brain next to doing yoga and meditation which can make it sound like an activity that you need a certified guide for.

Replay Loop

I’ve come to realize that it’s easy for me to overthink the past, and to replay conversations and events over and over again so I can see what I could have/would have/or should have done differently. It’s a true statement and one that I’m not particularly proud of but it’s easy to leave an interaction with someone and think about what could have gone better.

Have you ever caught yourself in that replay loop?

Being caught up in the replay loop is so unproductive. After about one to two mental re-dos of an event, it’s no longer helpful to re-hash the happening. It moves quickly into the territory of becoming a broken record. Yuck!


Living only for the future isn’t that great either. It typically means you’re rushing from one task, chore, dinner, breakfast or conversation to the next thing, whatever it may be. Have you ever felt that you’re not really paying attention when you’re in a hurry like this? I know I have and I often feel bad when I have to tell someone important that I just missed everything they said. All because I was rushing to get my to-do list done.

Here and Now

The right place is here and now because where you are *right now* needs you! The present moment needs you to be aware of what’s going on around you and to engage with the moment so you can keep going to the next present moment. Make sense?

You’re being called to be of service right now, right here with what’s going on. Literally.

You’re not needed in the past and you’re not needed in the future because now is where is where you need to show up and support yourself. Nomatter how good or bad of a moment it is. It doesn’t serve you to be anywhere but in the present moment.

The current moment depends on you to be there. That conversation with your daughter or spouse needs you to be fully present listening and interacting with the other person and yourself. That work project needs you to be engaged with it. Doing dishes, scrolling your Facebook feed or some other form of multitasking only pulls you away from the present moment. It can be so tough to enjoy your day when all of your present moments are overfilled with distractions.

When you stop multitasking and start being fully engaged in the present moment, what benefits do you see happening in your conversations and your projects? Notice how it makes you feel when your present moments are distracted, multitasking ones verses singular moments of engagement, doing one thing at a time?    

What can you do to keep your distractions at bay so you can find more fulfilling present moments? Let me know in the comments. I’d love to hear how you’re doing at staying out of the past’s Replay Loop and out of the worry zone of Futurama so you can stay in the present, in a way that feels good to you.  

With much love and gratitude,


Ready to Unfriend Almost Everyone? Do This One Thing Instead.

Ready to Unfriend Almost Everyone? Do This One Thing Instead.Do you think the internet is getting a bad rep?

I may be the first parent to take this position but seriously, in this crazy world we live in, the internet is actually making us more connected. Thank god for it!

On Facebook alone, I’ve been able to reconnect with childhood friends (love seeing their pics!), stay up to date with current friends, learn about local events and about what’s happening all over.

Yes, the internet, especially social media has its downsides. Doesn’t everything we love? We’ve all seen it cause people to feel more bold and say things they would never say to someone IN person. IN real life. That’s one of my biggest pet peeves about the internet. Second only to ALL of the daily does of horrible, heart-wrenching news that’s always out there. Some days, it can be too much for a mere mortal to take.

But for every person that has that feeling, and I think I’m included in this group, I’ve got a personal challenge for you.

What do you do with those negative posts?

How do you respond or don’t you?

I’m serious when I ask this. Do you engage with the post in some way?

Maybe you read it, internalize it and let the yuck wash over you for the rest of the day feeling like there’s nothing you can “do” about it. This stuff feels so BIG sometimes that it can make you feel really small.

Even though sometimes you might like to un-friend just about everyone, let me know if you can give this a try instead.

When you next see something that triggers those “this is why I hate the internet” feelings, post something good. Post something funny. Post something mundane that you are doing right then like folding laundry or booking your next vacation.

By posting something positive or giving a personal update of what you’re doing, you’re elevating your experience online and the experience of those that you’re connected with.

It gives you a great opportunity to be an agent of change. Like a ninja of niceness. Like that? 😉 You get to spread kindness, good vibes, laughs, and an authentic hello from you to the world. The world that wants to hear from the REAL you, by the way. 🙂

You become an positive influencer for your newsfeed and the news that your friends and acquaintances are getting.  

Try it out and let me know if it makes you feel like you could finally “do” something to balance out the icky side of the internet. Do your friends and family respond with likes? Do they share your post like a friendly wave from across the parking lot at the mall?

I’d love to hear how embracing your inner Niceness Ninja works for you. Leave me a note in the comments to let me know.

With much love and gratitude,




You Got to Move It…Move It!

You've Got to Move It...Move It!Do certain seasons put you into motion?

With having fairly long winters here in Ohio, spring is the season that really does this for me! My mind actually goes into overdrive with the playing + planning of all things that can now be done outside. My family and I really enjoy the outdoors so this is a win-win for all of us.

The same is true for my business. I’m currently enrolled in a 3-month coaching program that’s really helping me catapult my business in all the ways I desire. I’m definitely learning a lot and there’s lots of action that has to be taken.

“Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.” – Conrad Hilton

I know it’s worth it. Just like this inspirational quote, taking action = results!

Is there an action you’d like to be taking whether it be personally or professionally and find yourself resisting? If so, why?

Are you ready to make big things happen and take action, but aren’t quite sure where to start? Let’s talk! Click here to see if I can help you discover how to take action so you can get ahead! It’s free and quick so no need to wait. I can’t wait to talk with you!!

With much love and gratitude,


Success: What’s Your Definition?

Success: What’s Your Definition?Do you ever get caught up in the thought that you could be more successful? Like you should be doing more?

You see your friends curating the heck out of their life to make it look always amazing on social media. You hear about co-workers being offered a great new position. You see your neighbor driving a new car.

Ugg! It’s a sure way to make a person feel less than successful that’s for sure.

But, in what ways can you see success in yourself?

What one person sees as success is failure for another, right? Or it very likely could be.

Working a corporate job, 40 hrs/week and dressed in heels might sound great to a lot of people. Just like going for an 8am run, working in your comfy clothes, and calling it quits at 4:30 pm each day (except Friday because that’s your day off) is success to others.

And, of course both of these scenarios can seem like sparkles and unicorns to someone from the outside when in fact they’re nothing like that in reality. Thinking of success in this way makes it way too easy, way too black and white. So I’m asking. Can you dig deeper to decide what success really means to you?

How is your definition of success different from your BFF’s? Your parents? Your significant other’s or sibling’s? Go ahead and ask them what success means or looks like to them. Can you see the subtle differences there?

Maybe it’s your salary or how much you volunteer at your kid’s school that equates with success. What are your personal benchmarks for success?

It can be helpful to think about success in a very fundamental way first. Are your basic needs met? —Food, clothing, shelter, etc?

Then ask what have you done in life that you’re proud of?

I know you may be humble, and this may be hard to remember. And if you’re having a particularly rough day, it might be even harder to remember. If this is the case, go ask your friends or significant other as they may surprise you with what they remember (and were impressed with).

Maybe it was saving to buy a car, paying off your school loans, or graduating from college. Maybe it was that time you decided to take a leap of faith and start your own business.  

This all brings it into focus. Success is subjective. The cool part is that YOU get to decide what it means.What are your personal measures of success? How do you define success for you?

The clearer you get on this definition of success, the easier it is to know when you’ve achieved it.

I’d love to hear what you define as success. Would you please share with me here?

With much love and gratitude,



Do You Wander Outside of Your Comfort Zone?

Do You wander Outside of Your Comfort Zone?

I’m ready to adventure out! I’m committed to being more involved with my community as well as scheduling networking lunches and attending networking events. Now, this is totally shared with you from a place of love, joy, and enthusiasm while it also makes me a bit nervous.

That’s why this quote resonates so much for me right now:

“All progress takes place outside the comfort zone.” – Michael John Bobak

These are truly things I want to do (am going to do!), however, they take me just a tad bit outside of my comfort zone. Since I’ve now been working from home for almost 12 years (how did that happen?!), it’s a process of learning and connecting with new folks.

I’ve got a great plan of action in place and I’m seeing the results of working that plan already. I know I can do this as it’s just a matter of planning and taking action! Can you relate?

If you’re ready to finally relate to this kind of excitement about your plan working out, let’s talk! Click here to grab a zero-stress chat to see if I can help you learn how how to take action so you can see the results you want and feel super successful! It’s free and quick so no need to wait. …did I mention it’s a great no-pressure way to know how to get ahead? 😉

With much love and gratitude,


Are You Nudging Your Success Forward?

Are You Nudging Your Success Forward? How much exercise are you getting?

How much journaling and mindwork are you doing to make your life better?

Are you finding yourself hitting the drive-thru at the fast food place instead of making a healthy lunch?

Why is it that doing these kinds of activities feel like a chore?—Even when you know how much better you’d feel after doing them.

Maybe it’s that you don’t feel like you have enough time for them? Maybe you’re overwhelmed and overworked and can’t see how in the world these good habits can be worked into your schedule?

I totally hear you!!


What if you considered these very important tasks as mandatory?  What if exercise and food prep were as important to your success as writing that perfect email or meeting your client deadline?

How would your week be different if it was structured to focus on a kind of success that counts on you incorporating these things that are missing into your routine?

What if you considered these elements as part of your JOB even though people don’t typically think they should be?

Why should you approach being successful this way?

Because if you don’t value these elements, you won’t do them.

However, if you treat them like a part of your job, you can get them done and move further ahead than you thought.

If you step back and really look at your schedule and your goals, you might just surprise yourself by the wiggle room you can find to incorporate the things you care about and that you truly need worked into your regular routine.

When you shift your perspective, that client call, responding to emails, or reviewing text, it starts to be as equally important as journaling for your mindset, getting in a good workout, and eating healthy.


Ask yourself, what’s one thing that you need to add to your schedule. Maybe it’s an exercise class? Can you do a morning workout at the start of your day or maybe at lunch? Can you set up a treadmill desk? Can you find one single exercise to do every day, even if it’s small like touching your toes?

Maybe you have a cranky boss who you fear might not be into the idea of you coming in a little late or leaving for lunch a little early. Can you convince the boss or your co-worker to exercise at the same time as you? Odds are they need these success elements worked into their routine, too. 😉

I encourage you to get creative and think about ways you can make this idea work.

It is very likely that your mind will try to trick you by telling you that you can’t or don’t need to exercise, eat healthy or whatever your “additional” thing is. This is very common since what you’re wanting to do is not a part of your normal routine. It’s easy to stay comfortable with what we’ve been doing, even though we want more.

If you want more, you have to make changes to get it. The reason your mind starts sending those “no” thoughts your way is only your primal, lizard brain trying to keep you safe. I encourage you to really listen to your body and heart rather than what your head is likely going to tell you.

Your ultimate goal is to focus on what you can do to make exercise or writing or meditating or eating healthy a regular habit.

It can feel nuts to think of it this way but when you start to upgrade your everyday by treating your nice-to-have elements as equals with your have-to-have elements, it automatically makes it easier to work more efficiently, with more clarity and more successfully.

You reach the results you want MUCH faster when you look at your job and life with a holistic approach like this. You’ll find that when you take care of the elements that feel like “nice-to-haves” everything else is better.

If you look at some of the most successful people out there, you’ll find that they attribute much of their success to this approach of treating what they once considered nice-to-haves as must-haves. Wildly successful people like Marie Forleo and Tim Ferriss and have found the wiggle room and see the difference this holistic approach has on their success. You can, too!

I committed to doing more exercise and eating better by hiring a health coach who I adore. This requires me to make time for 30 minutes of exercise each day and to prep my meals each day. We’re talking serious grocery lists and meal proportions.

Even though I’m sore from my new routine, I’m 100% committed. I can see how it’s going to make me and even my family more successful. My energy levels are rising and I know I’ll be able to translate what I learn from working out and planning my meals to my business so I can be more successful.

I challenge you to give it a try. What’s one area where you think you can find a way to wedge in that good-for-you thing? Let me know in the comments.

With much love and gratitude,


Are You Willing?

“Stay true to yourself, yet always be open to learn. Work hard, and never give up on your dreams, even when nobody else believes they can come true but you. These are not clichés but real tools you need no matter what you do in life to stay focused on your path.” - Phillip SweetThis past month, I’ve really been connected to being present and focused. Being mindful of it in both my personal life and business.

For me, that’s not always easy. I can get easily distracted or let the feeling of overwhelm or fear creep in. I wish it didn’t happen, however, I realize that each time it does there’s a lesson to be learned from it.

This past month was a pivotal month as I decided to invest in my business and future. As I continue to grow and evolve my services, I understand the importance of investing and upleveling. (I encourage each of you to do the same when the timing is right for you.)

What I noticed though, when considering this decision, was that if I listened to my head, I would let the investment scare me.

When I really sat with the decision, grounded myself, and followed my heart, I knew it’s what was best for me. This decision is going to allow for me to follow my dreams, based on my hearts desires, and remain true to myself.

I wanted to share this with you just in case you might be in a similar situation of making a big decision for yourself. I hear and understand you!

This quote so eloquently echoes that sentiment that I had to share it, too. 🙂

“Stay true to yourself, yet always be open to learn. Work hard, and never give up on your dreams, even when nobody else believes they can come true but you. These are not clichés but real tools you need no matter what you do in life to stay focused on your path.” – Phillip Sweet



Squirrel Brain? How to Get Your Focus Back

Squirrel Brain? How to Get Your Focus BackStaying focused is NO EASY TASK. Often times I have so many things happening at once that I feel constantly pulled in multiple directions.

This makes me feel crazy and like I’m not really getting anything accomplished—even if I’m actually getting a lot done! How maddening, right?

So I started to be mindful of reflecting on what went well and what didn’t for all of these tasks that I have going on. This has two major benefits.

One, is that it allows me to see what I can do better next time.

For example, scheduling a client phone call too close to time for my kiddos to get home from school meant that I had to try to quiet them and signal that I was on the phone as they walked in the door. This turned out to be a BAD IDEA because there was a lot of noise and I was totally distracted.

Reflecting on this means that next time I more easily remember to schedule that client call to happen when I have more time.

The other benefit of reviewing what worked and what didn’t is that I can tell if I was productive or just busy.

Busy means that I was doing a lot but didn’t have much to show for it. Productive means that I saw results from the actions I took that got me closer to meeting my goals.

Here’s a question I ask myself to help me reflect on the work I’ve done and know if I was productive or just busy:

How did I grow last week?

How do you answer that question? If you can’t easily answer it, no worries. You’re not alone.

I’m here to say that you can figure out a way to answer it that allows you to see your progress, track it, and celebrate it.

If you can get into the habit of setting a goal for the week, then checking if you completed it by asking that question, you’ll be set to really see the progress you’d like instead of just feeling busy all the time. Does this make sense?

For example, the goal you set at the start of the week might be to send follow-up emails to the business leads you have. You want to turn them into clients and you know that the next step is to respond with your follow-up email. At the end of the week if you sent those emails, you know that you’re closer to getting a new client if you took the action step you needed to take.

If you didn’t take the action step and found yourself only doing busy work around that goal, you know that you lost focus.

An example of losing focus for this goal would be that you started the email drafts and never finished them. Or because you went on Facebook to find a detail about the lead that you wanted to include in your email and ended up getting lost in a social media rabbit hole and ran out of time to finish and send the follow-up emails.

Can you be proactive with this idea by creating a goal for the week that you want to grow in XYZ way (pick a way to fill in the blank)? If you can, you’ll be able to focus the actions you need to take for that growth and truly actually accomplish it. I promise you this!

This eliminates that feeling that you’re doing, doing, doing and not getting anything done. It helps you to be aware of the bigger picture so you stay focused and complete the actions you set out to finish.

Some weeks are harder to see results than others. Reflecting on “How did I grow last week?” allows you to put attention on not just your to-do list, but what you actually got done and how it helped you to uplevel and meet your bigger goals.

Goodbye squirrel brain! Hello focused and productive actions!

Let me know what you think about saying goodbye to your inner squirrel and hello to getting things done by reflecting with the question, “How did I grow last week?” I’d love to hear how it went when you tried it.

With much love and gratitude,
