Finding Time

You will never "find" time....Do you ever find yourself saying if I could find the time I would…insert what you’ve been longing to do?

I’ve been finding myself doing that quite often lately. And you know, the time is always there. It’s up to you to make the time for it.

If you want to go to the pool for an afternoon, go to the lake and spend the day, visit your mom or your grandma, or sit by the bonfire, go do it! Make the time for it.

Whatever else it is that you think you have to do, can wait.

Or prioritize your day/evening so you can make both things happen. It’s totally doable!

“You will never “find” time for anything. If you want time, you must make it.”- Charles Bruxton

My family and I found the time to relax and sit by the bonfire. It was much needed and brought us all together. It’s important to make time for moments like this.



You’re writing the story of your life…

You're Writing the Story of Your Life....Do you ever feel that life is passing you by in the blink of an eye?

I seem to notice it more and more as my kiddos keep getting bigger and bigger. I saw where someone posted on Facebook how you only have 18 summers with your kids. That really put things into perspective for me.

Our kids decided that they wanted to camp out on our farm this past weekend.

Here’s a picture of them helping prepare breakfast over the fire. These are the memories we cherish most and they’ll never forget.

Kids by the fire.

It made me think about this quote and how fitting it is since we are the ones who are writing the stories of our lives.

“You’re writing the story of your life one moment at a time.” -Doc Childre and Howard Martin

I invite you to take the time to reflect on the things that matter most in life and make time for them.



Think You Know What They’re Thinking?

Think You Know What They’re Thinking?Do you ever think you know what your significant other or partner is thinking?

Like you totally know what they are about to say and it makes you angry? And rather than asking them what’s on their mind or trying to talk it out, you keep your thoughts inside? Then, you wait and see what they actually say and it was nothing of the like.

Yeah, I’m guilty of that, too. What a waste of energy!

This quote says is so accurately: 

“A lack of communication breeds assumptions of what the other is thinking or feeling; and assumptions are, more often than not, incorrect.”

Next time you find yourself making up thoughts in your head about someone, I invite you to talk to them about what you’re thinking.

I can assure you you’ll feel so much better about it and be grateful that you did. We spend so much time assuming what others are thinking and feeling that we start to believe it. If we’d just ask and be open to conversation, we’d quit wasting so much time and likely worrying about things are that aren’t even true.

Give it a shot and let me know how it feels for you.



Do You Feel Connected to the World?

Do You Feel Connected to the World?“We all think we are connected to the world now, but we are not talking to our neighbours any more.” -Jean-Michel Jarre

How true is the quote above? Do you feel connected to the world? If so, do you feel that the online world helps you to feel that way? I do and I’m really grateful for it.

And, you know what else I realized? We’ve now lived on our farm for nearly 10 years and I’ve only personally met one of my neighbors. Say what?!

When I really sit back and think about this, it makes me think why? At the other homes we’ve lived at, I knew all the neighbors. It’s nice having that neighbor you can borrow an egg or cup of sugar from without having to drive 15 minutes to the local market. Or have someone you can trust to come over and check on things while you’re away.

Does this ring true for you too?

If it does, I’m challenging you to go introduce yourself to at least one neighbor a week. I have two to go meet and I’m going to do this too. Why not? There’s nothing better than being connected to those who live right next door to you.

You in? Let’s do this!

Are you ready to make big things happen with small steps like this? If so, let’s talk! Grab a time on the calendar here for a free, no-pressure chat with me to talk about how I can help you create a plan to take the kind of action you need so you can be the person you’ve always pictured yourself being. I believe you can arrange your world so you can feel amazing about how you’re living YOUR life!

With much love and gratitude,


Remember that Instant Friendship With Someone?

Remember that Instant Friendship With Someone? Do you ever feel an instant connection with someone?

When you literally meet them for the first time and feel like you’ve known them a lifetime? I’ve only felt that feeling a few times in my adult life and it’s quite magical. I’m actually still friends with the few that made me feel that way. I consider myself lucky.

You begin to converse with one another and are eager to continue the conversation. You remain focused and fully present. You’re both listening and value what one another has to say. Trust comes naturally and a friendship or bond is created.

These energetic connections are few and far between.

It’s not often you find someone who truly listens and makes you feel seen and heard. If you have people like this in your life, consider them a gift. You are lucky too!

“I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.” ? Brené Brown

This quote of Brené Brown’s really resonates with the idea of connecting with others through genuine listening. The kind that makes people feel deeply seen and heard without judgement.

Where have you felt this kind of two-way, connected relationship? If you remember that feeling of authentic friendship that naturally unfolded, it felt great, right? So my question for you…

How can you foster that kind of connection as you move through your week?

If you don’t know where to start to create this kind of supportive connection with others, know that I understand how you feel. When we leave school, or a job, or move, it can create a break with these kinds of relationships that can be hard to keep going from a distance and hard to replicate that deep kind of friendship. If this feels like something you want to change so you feel more grounded and connected with those around you, and make it easier to find your kindred spirits, I can help. Click here to grab a quick, no pressure chat with me to talk about helping you make it happen.

I want you to have all the joys in life and this is a huge part of it. I know you can build your life to look the way you want! I’m rooting for you!

With much love and gratitude,


Success: What’s Your Definition?

Success: What’s Your Definition?Do you ever get caught up in the thought that you could be more successful? Like you should be doing more?

You see your friends curating the heck out of their life to make it look always amazing on social media. You hear about co-workers being offered a great new position. You see your neighbor driving a new car.

Ugg! It’s a sure way to make a person feel less than successful that’s for sure.

But, in what ways can you see success in yourself?

What one person sees as success is failure for another, right? Or it very likely could be.

Working a corporate job, 40 hrs/week and dressed in heels might sound great to a lot of people. Just like going for an 8am run, working in your comfy clothes, and calling it quits at 4:30 pm each day (except Friday because that’s your day off) is success to others.

And, of course both of these scenarios can seem like sparkles and unicorns to someone from the outside when in fact they’re nothing like that in reality. Thinking of success in this way makes it way too easy, way too black and white. So I’m asking. Can you dig deeper to decide what success really means to you?

How is your definition of success different from your BFF’s? Your parents? Your significant other’s or sibling’s? Go ahead and ask them what success means or looks like to them. Can you see the subtle differences there?

Maybe it’s your salary or how much you volunteer at your kid’s school that equates with success. What are your personal benchmarks for success?

It can be helpful to think about success in a very fundamental way first. Are your basic needs met? —Food, clothing, shelter, etc?

Then ask what have you done in life that you’re proud of?

I know you may be humble, and this may be hard to remember. And if you’re having a particularly rough day, it might be even harder to remember. If this is the case, go ask your friends or significant other as they may surprise you with what they remember (and were impressed with).

Maybe it was saving to buy a car, paying off your school loans, or graduating from college. Maybe it was that time you decided to take a leap of faith and start your own business.  

This all brings it into focus. Success is subjective. The cool part is that YOU get to decide what it means.What are your personal measures of success? How do you define success for you?

The clearer you get on this definition of success, the easier it is to know when you’ve achieved it.

I’d love to hear what you define as success. Would you please share with me here?

With much love and gratitude,



Are You Nudging Your Success Forward?

Are You Nudging Your Success Forward? How much exercise are you getting?

How much journaling and mindwork are you doing to make your life better?

Are you finding yourself hitting the drive-thru at the fast food place instead of making a healthy lunch?

Why is it that doing these kinds of activities feel like a chore?—Even when you know how much better you’d feel after doing them.

Maybe it’s that you don’t feel like you have enough time for them? Maybe you’re overwhelmed and overworked and can’t see how in the world these good habits can be worked into your schedule?

I totally hear you!!


What if you considered these very important tasks as mandatory?  What if exercise and food prep were as important to your success as writing that perfect email or meeting your client deadline?

How would your week be different if it was structured to focus on a kind of success that counts on you incorporating these things that are missing into your routine?

What if you considered these elements as part of your JOB even though people don’t typically think they should be?

Why should you approach being successful this way?

Because if you don’t value these elements, you won’t do them.

However, if you treat them like a part of your job, you can get them done and move further ahead than you thought.

If you step back and really look at your schedule and your goals, you might just surprise yourself by the wiggle room you can find to incorporate the things you care about and that you truly need worked into your regular routine.

When you shift your perspective, that client call, responding to emails, or reviewing text, it starts to be as equally important as journaling for your mindset, getting in a good workout, and eating healthy.


Ask yourself, what’s one thing that you need to add to your schedule. Maybe it’s an exercise class? Can you do a morning workout at the start of your day or maybe at lunch? Can you set up a treadmill desk? Can you find one single exercise to do every day, even if it’s small like touching your toes?

Maybe you have a cranky boss who you fear might not be into the idea of you coming in a little late or leaving for lunch a little early. Can you convince the boss or your co-worker to exercise at the same time as you? Odds are they need these success elements worked into their routine, too. 😉

I encourage you to get creative and think about ways you can make this idea work.

It is very likely that your mind will try to trick you by telling you that you can’t or don’t need to exercise, eat healthy or whatever your “additional” thing is. This is very common since what you’re wanting to do is not a part of your normal routine. It’s easy to stay comfortable with what we’ve been doing, even though we want more.

If you want more, you have to make changes to get it. The reason your mind starts sending those “no” thoughts your way is only your primal, lizard brain trying to keep you safe. I encourage you to really listen to your body and heart rather than what your head is likely going to tell you.

Your ultimate goal is to focus on what you can do to make exercise or writing or meditating or eating healthy a regular habit.

It can feel nuts to think of it this way but when you start to upgrade your everyday by treating your nice-to-have elements as equals with your have-to-have elements, it automatically makes it easier to work more efficiently, with more clarity and more successfully.

You reach the results you want MUCH faster when you look at your job and life with a holistic approach like this. You’ll find that when you take care of the elements that feel like “nice-to-haves” everything else is better.

If you look at some of the most successful people out there, you’ll find that they attribute much of their success to this approach of treating what they once considered nice-to-haves as must-haves. Wildly successful people like Marie Forleo and Tim Ferriss and have found the wiggle room and see the difference this holistic approach has on their success. You can, too!

I committed to doing more exercise and eating better by hiring a health coach who I adore. This requires me to make time for 30 minutes of exercise each day and to prep my meals each day. We’re talking serious grocery lists and meal proportions.

Even though I’m sore from my new routine, I’m 100% committed. I can see how it’s going to make me and even my family more successful. My energy levels are rising and I know I’ll be able to translate what I learn from working out and planning my meals to my business so I can be more successful.

I challenge you to give it a try. What’s one area where you think you can find a way to wedge in that good-for-you thing? Let me know in the comments.

With much love and gratitude,


If you don’t ask…

If you don’t ask...I think it’s true that we all experience in some way, shape or form a little hesitation at times when it comes to asking for what we need or want. At least I know that to be true for me.

It feels like too big of an ask or risk, and there’s always the looming fear of being rejected.

One thing, that I always find to be true and remind myself of often, is that if I don’t move forward with what it is that I want, I’ll never get it. Or the answer will always be no!

So if you find yourself wanting to launch that offer, ask for a raise, hire that coach, or even build a new house (yes, I went there…we shall see;)), please do it!

You deserve it and owe it to yourself.

The worst case scenario is that those things won’t become a reality and the truth is, had you never asked it wouldn’t have happened anyways. I invite you to not hold back and take the chance.

I found this quote to be quite fitting, “If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.” ~ Nora Roberts

I wish for you to ask for all that you need and desire in life. So, let me know in the comments, what will you ask for?  


Do You Recognize When Your Well’s Run Dry?

Do You Recognize When Your Well's Run Dry?When you read the quote below, does it resonate?

“When the well’s dry, we know the worth of water.”  ~ Benjamin Franklin

Do you immediately hear this and come up with ways that it can relate to your life?

You know, like when you’ve not let yourself have the rest you need, you’ve worked really long hours to meet deadlines, you’re fulfilling the needs of others and not yourself and then all of a sudden it catches up to you.

You’re exhausted, grouchy, you take even less care of yourself and you don’t ask for help.

All the examples I shared, are true for me too. I hate that many times it takes for me to feel completely depleted in order to realize what I need or what I’ve been lacking. My well then is almost dry.

And then, BOOM! I’m quickly reminded of the actions I can take and self care measures that’s necessary for me to thrive and remain full.

For me, it’s incredibly helpful that I plan and prepare as I mentioned in the last email I sent to you. By prioritizing my time, surrounding myself with positive people, and filling my “Happy Basket” with the things that truly bring me joy, allows me to keep my well full.

It’s not always peaches and cream, but knowing what it takes to fill me back up is what matters.

What do you do to keep your well full? Let me know in the comments.



There is absolutely nothing you can control except…

“There is absolutely nothing that you can control except showing up and doing your job.” -Tituss BurgessAs an entrepreneur working from home and in the first year or two of being in business, it took some time for me to find ways to show up consistently.

I had thoughts like…

“If I don’t have a full day of work scheduled, do I still make myself available to my clients?”

“Does it matter if I start my work day right at 9:30am (I know, it’s not early and I’m not an early bird!)?”

“Is it okay to take time away to do some household chores in between projects?”

What I did realize is that as long as I showed up everyday as the best version of myself, I was getting ahead with building a business I loved and a family life like never before. I was able to get my tasks accomplished, have happy clients and allow myself so much room for growth.

That’s why this quote by Tituss Burgess resonates for me, “There is absolutely nothing that you can control except showing up and doing your job.”

Maybe it resonates for you, too? If so, let me know in the comments.

With much love and gratitude,
