Do You Do Negative Self Talk?

Do You Do Negative Self Talk?

Talking to yourself is often seen as silly or frivolous, or even something a doddering old lady might do. But in reality, we all have conversations running through our minds all day long.

This internal conversation might include you celebrating a win or it may riff off of the opposite kind of conversation where things went wrong. Generally, I focus on the mistakes I make in my conversations.

Have you ever noticed this for yourself? Sometimes you can see it as being hard on yourself. It doesn’t feel good, right?

One way to turn it around so you feel better about a situation, even if it’s one that you’ve been stewing on for a while, is to change the words you use to describe it.

Communicate With Yourself!

Yes, this is a little like being a public relations rep for yourself and that’s okay. Actually, it’s perfect if you feel like you tend to beat yourself up when things go sideways.

The first step is to catch yourself having a negative thought. You probably have words or phrases that you can use as triggers to catch yourself. For example, if you always hear yourself say, “This sucks!” Or, “I totally messed that up!” you’ll know.

What are words or phrases you use in this situation?

Frame It!

The words you use to talk to yourself are so important. They frame how you perceive yourself for the day, the week or the year.

It translates into how you feel about yourself. Confident, fulfilled, scared, worried, shy, overwhelmed and more.

If you use negative words to describe what’s going on for you, then you walk away with a bad self-image of the situation. If you use positive words and have an open  state of mind, that generates good energy, you can walk away from a situation feeling like it’s all under control.

For example, “I shouldn’t have said that to them!” can be turned into a more positive phrase by including a solution to it: “Next time I’ll clearly lay out the steps for my client so I get paid up front and we’ll both feel good at the end of our sessions knowing that everything is buttoned up.”

Another example is, “I need to call my client.” This can easily become, “I want to call my client so she knows she has my support.”

See the shift there?

The first example applies pressure to yourself while the second version makes it clear that calling your client is a choice that you get to make and why you’re making it. It removes a layer of pressure and obligation that can be there with the items on your to-do list. And, it makes it feel more like something you’re looking forward to doing.

Just like when you write those client emails, you want to be clear, upbeat, confident and professional. You want to do the same with your self-communications, too.

Let me know in the comments if you’ve caught yourself saying negative phrases and how you turned them around into more positive ones. I’d love to hear your examples!

With much love and gratitude,



Connecting with others. Even when life is moving fast.

Connecting with others. Even when life is moving fast.I’d love to know, how connected do you feel to your friends? Your family? Your loved ones?

Do you feel like you’re always running around like a chicken with your head cut off? When you look back at last week’s schedule does it feel like a blur?

If things are always feeling rushed, how can you ever feel like you’re really connecting with your friends, co-workers and family? Jumping from one task to the next means you can cross those actions off your to-do list and feel productive but at what cost? For me, this doesn’t feel good but it happens.

If you feel like you’re always hurried and missing deep, meaningful connections to those around you, how would it feel if you were able to have sincere and authentic conversations with those that you spend the most time with? Imagine being able to fully listen to them without all the mind chatter or voices in your head.

Building relationships is just that – building.

You can tear them down, too. Perhaps when relationships fall apart, it’s even easier to see.

But building them can be just as easy to do if you shift your approach a tiny bit.

Now, I’m all in for going to get coffee with your old friend or co-worker to catch up on life or to get to know them but that takes time that you often don’t have. If you do, by all means, go get coffee with someone!

What I’m about to propose takes almost no time and very little effort. Seriously! It will help you to shore-up your relationship-building skills so you can more genuinely connect with, and enjoy those around you.

The approach?

Ask a question. The next time you’re sitting around on the sofa with a family member or when you run into someone in the breakroom, greet them and ask them a question. See, I promised this would be simple, right?

Here’s the catch.

It’s got to be a question that allows for more than a yes, no, or “I’m fine” kind of reply.

For example, “Hey Jen! How’s your dog doing? Is she still trying new ways to escape the backyard?”

You could ask how someone’s recovering after an injury, how their family member is doing or how the XYZ project is going. Once you get started, figuring out what to ask becomes easier.  

Remember, ask a question that isn’t designed to be ignored.

The person on the other side may or may not have time or energy to give a full response. If they do, great! You’re connecting and building your relationship with each other.

If they don’t give a meaningful answer, that’s okay, too because you’ve still done an action that strengthens the connection you have with that person. Don’t take it personally.

As you practice doing this, both of you will feel better about the other person. Why? Because you get to know them and they get to know you from taking this approach. You make each other “real” and see each other’s humanity.

Even if you wind-up butting heads during a meeting or about whose turn it is to empty the dishwasher, this relationship can better withstand that storm because it’s foundation is stronger. As a result, people are less likely to grenade a relationship because they know you better.

So go ask questions of the people in your life, no matter how close they are to you. Let me know if it this technique helps to build better relationships for you. I’m willing to bet you’ll feel a lot more connected without scheduling a coffee date with everyone you know.

With much love and gratitude,


When is the last time you did something that was just for you?

When is the last time you did something that was just for you?I’d love to know, do you ever find yourself feeling in a funk but not sure how to get out of it? Maybe you’re not sure what to do to recharge your own batteries? An especially busy time of year can have that effect on us.

So tell me, what do you do in your free time?

Okay, I know you probably don’t feel like you have free time but if you magically had some appear, say an appointment cancelled or you got a few snow days, what would you most want to do that helped you to feel strong and energized?

Seriously, something that’s not a chore or designed to help you get ahead for the next day or week?

When is the last time you did something that was just for you? That was not a chore or out of a sense of obligation? Something that filled your energy bucket?

One thing I did this past weekend was give myself permission to rest. On Saturday, even though it was unusually warm here in Ohio, I rested for the majority of the afternoon. It felt so good and I didn’t even feel guilty about it.

For me, that’s huge! And I knew from the events that took place the day before that I needed to refuel to feel good.

If it was too long ago for you to recall or you’re not sure you know what to do to recharge, keep reading.

Is it your mind, body or soul that needs an uplift?

When you feel depleted, notice what area it is that you need help with.


If it’s your mind, what can you do to switch it up and get more into your body? What workout can you go and do? Maybe a yoga, dance or cycling class? Maybe a long walk through the park? Maybe some time in silence?


If it’s your body that needs to be rejuvenated, what can you do to give it extra attention and a change from the usual? A massage or a mani/pedi? Maybe a healthy, home cooked meal where you know all the ingredients that are in it.


If you’re not sure what needs to be recharged, I put this into the soul category. You may want to plan a vacation or an art retreat so you have something to look forward to. Would it feel good to plan a lunch or coffee date with a friend?

Journaling or drawing around a topic that seems to be gnawing at you can be helpful, too. Start with one idea and keep writing, bulleting ideas or drawing about it from that seed idea. Notice if it helps you work through the “thing” that makes you feel less than 100%.

If you’re not sure what you need, let’s talk (on the house, of course). I’m happy to chat with you to help figure out what you need to feel high-energy and ready to make your regular life better like you know it can be. Click here to schedule a FREE, twenty minute call with me.

I’d love to help you get a step ahead and feeling good about your life!

Here’s to your amazing, fulfilling life. Go get it!

With much love and gratitude,


Do You Recognize When Your Well’s Run Dry?

Do You Recognize When Your Well's Run Dry?When you read the quote below, does it resonate?

“When the well’s dry, we know the worth of water.”  ~ Benjamin Franklin

Do you immediately hear this and come up with ways that it can relate to your life?

You know, like when you’ve not let yourself have the rest you need, you’ve worked really long hours to meet deadlines, you’re fulfilling the needs of others and not yourself and then all of a sudden it catches up to you.

You’re exhausted, grouchy, you take even less care of yourself and you don’t ask for help.

All the examples I shared, are true for me too. I hate that many times it takes for me to feel completely depleted in order to realize what I need or what I’ve been lacking. My well then is almost dry.

And then, BOOM! I’m quickly reminded of the actions I can take and self care measures that’s necessary for me to thrive and remain full.

For me, it’s incredibly helpful that I plan and prepare as I mentioned in the last email I sent to you. By prioritizing my time, surrounding myself with positive people, and filling my “Happy Basket” with the things that truly bring me joy, allows me to keep my well full.

It’s not always peaches and cream, but knowing what it takes to fill me back up is what matters.

What do you do to keep your well full? Let me know in the comments.



How Self Care is Like Cooking with Jamie Oliver

How Self Care is Like Cooking with Jamie Oliver If you’ve ever seen Jamie Oliver cook, you know that he’s famous for cooking amazing meals quickly so he can get back to what looks like his fun-filled life.

There’s a lot of him giggling and improvising as he cooks. Every meal looks amazing even though he’s pulled back the curtain to allow you to see all the details of how it’s done and even the mistakes he made along the way.

Taking care of yourself is a lot like cooking with Jamie. At the start of every 30 Minutes Meal episode, he sets the scene: it’s been a long day at work and now you know you have a less than an hour to feed your family before the night starts to fall apart.

Then, he tells you get your “A” game going by gathering everything you’ll need like the blender, pre-heating the oven, boiling water, etc. This way when you start cooking, you won’t lose your momentum by having to stop to go find the mixer attachment which may be buried in the garage cupboard or the way back corner of the lazy suzan.

Self care works in the same way. You have a ton of things you need to get done in a short amount of time like resting, eating healthy, hitting the gym, fixing that project spreadsheet or making those calls.

And you need to do all of it quickly. And you want those things to be done well, right?

The Solution?

Plan, schedule and prepare. As a human in this world, you need to take care of your needs so you can dive in and fight a good battle, whether it’s sending out a blog post, running a fundraiser or scheduling that massage.

Otherwise you become burned out and every little thing on your to-do list becomes a mountain and seems to take forever. Each thing you do becomes frustrating and stressful. Can you relate?

And even though the final result of whatever project you’re working on may be great, it feels yucky because the process of making it wasn’t fun.

In addition to gathering your supplies for whatever it is you have on tap, I also mean that you, yourself, are taken care of. -You’re mentally and physically ready to take on the world.

What does that mean?

Did you have your coffee?

Did you get a shower because you know that’s how you wake you up?

Did you go to your dentist appointment?

Did you get enough sleep last night? Or this week?

Did you do something fun or something restful? …something that recharges your batteries?

Instead of feeling exhausted and at your wit’s end, I want you to end every week feeling good about what you did and how you did it. I want you to feel on top of the world.

The key to doing that is to take care of yourself so you’re mentally, physically and emotionally prepared to take on the day, week or month.

Some things I do for myself…

Each morning after the kiddos get on the bus, I quickly pick up the house and watch the first 15 minutes of Good Morning America (I might doze back off to sleep for a few, that’s okay! I give myself permission to do so as long as I’m up and at em’ by 8am). This feels good and allows me to start the day off how I want to.

I also know that in order to have a mind clear of clutter while I work, I take care of the bigger household chores before starting my day. I then no longer have to think about them and know they are complete!

It rids the thoughts of the dishes yelling “wash me”, the laundry shouting “fold me”. You get it!

When I take lunch, I prep for dinner. Such a great feeling to know that most of dinner is complete before it’s time to actually start making it.

I’ve also discovered within myself that I’m more productive during the first part of my day. So it’s important for me to tackle bigger projects/tasks during that time.

When I skip these things that I know matter to me, I pay for it.

It causes me to not be as focused as I’d like to be and possibly a bit crabby at the end of the day when I realize all the things I still need to do or that need to be done. Then that serves no one!

What is your self care routine?

What do you need to be part of your routine that’s not currently part of it?

What happens when you skip parts of it?

Let me know in the comments. I’d love to hear how you’re taking care of yourself. -It may inspire the rest of us to make our self care routine even better.

With much love and gratitude,




P.S. With the cooking season in full swing, here’s a link to a Jamie Oliver’s Get Ahead Gravy that’s a lot of fun. It’s perfect way to ease your mind if you can feel your holiday schedule sneaking up on you too quickly.

The Most Powerful Relationship Is…

“The most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself.” ~ Steve Maraboli“The most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself.” ~ Steve Maraboli

Have you ever really thought about the words above? No really, have you?! Such a beautiful reminder and I invite you to sit with it and take it in.

It’s 100% true that the relationship you have with yourself will always be the most powerful. You have total control over it and can change or modify it however + whenever you wish. How amazing is that?

Your relationships with others is also a reflection of the relationship you have with yourself.

Can you feel that to be true?

I can and I can also see how at times I go above and beyond for others and as a result, lack the self care for myself. And we all know what that does for ourselves. Nothing. It serves us in no positive way what-so-ever!

So if you find you’re feeling depleted, overwhelmed, or just tired; check in with yourself. Take note of the relationship you’re currently having with yourself.

Is it what you want? Does if feel the way you want it to?

If not, change it! You have the power and the ability to do that for yourself.

It’s so important that we take the greatest possible care of ourselves so that we can always be the best versions of ourselves. Physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Please don’t forget that.

