Do You Do Negative Self Talk?

Do You Do Negative Self Talk?

Talking to yourself is often seen as silly or frivolous, or even something a doddering old lady might do. But in reality, we all have conversations running through our minds all day long.

This internal conversation might include you celebrating a win or it may riff off of the opposite kind of conversation where things went wrong. Generally, I focus on the mistakes I make in my conversations.

Have you ever noticed this for yourself? Sometimes you can see it as being hard on yourself. It doesn’t feel good, right?

One way to turn it around so you feel better about a situation, even if it’s one that you’ve been stewing on for a while, is to change the words you use to describe it.

Communicate With Yourself!

Yes, this is a little like being a public relations rep for yourself and that’s okay. Actually, it’s perfect if you feel like you tend to beat yourself up when things go sideways.

The first step is to catch yourself having a negative thought. You probably have words or phrases that you can use as triggers to catch yourself. For example, if you always hear yourself say, “This sucks!” Or, “I totally messed that up!” you’ll know.

What are words or phrases you use in this situation?

Frame It!

The words you use to talk to yourself are so important. They frame how you perceive yourself for the day, the week or the year.

It translates into how you feel about yourself. Confident, fulfilled, scared, worried, shy, overwhelmed and more.

If you use negative words to describe what’s going on for you, then you walk away with a bad self-image of the situation. If you use positive words and have an open  state of mind, that generates good energy, you can walk away from a situation feeling like it’s all under control.

For example, “I shouldn’t have said that to them!” can be turned into a more positive phrase by including a solution to it: “Next time I’ll clearly lay out the steps for my client so I get paid up front and we’ll both feel good at the end of our sessions knowing that everything is buttoned up.”

Another example is, “I need to call my client.” This can easily become, “I want to call my client so she knows she has my support.”

See the shift there?

The first example applies pressure to yourself while the second version makes it clear that calling your client is a choice that you get to make and why you’re making it. It removes a layer of pressure and obligation that can be there with the items on your to-do list. And, it makes it feel more like something you’re looking forward to doing.

Just like when you write those client emails, you want to be clear, upbeat, confident and professional. You want to do the same with your self-communications, too.

Let me know in the comments if you’ve caught yourself saying negative phrases and how you turned them around into more positive ones. I’d love to hear your examples!

With much love and gratitude,



Awareness Without Action is Worthless

Awareness without action is worthless. - Phil McGrawAre there certain actions or thoughts that have a negative impact on you and trigger you to feel a certain way? Possibly angry, envious, jealous, sad?

Maybe your partner isn’t contributing as much as you think they should. Or perhaps your kids choose to ignore their chores and it becomes one more thing you have to do. Can you relate?

If you can say yes in that you are aware of what makes you feel a certain way, I want you to reach around and pat yourself on the back. Having that awareness is a gift to yourself. Now, the key is taking action on it. We don’t want for each time we feel triggered to just let it be.

Let’s say you can relate to feeling that your partner isn’t doing their fair share. Rather than stewing on it and feeling angry, what can you do to take action on your awareness? You could explain to them how you’re feeling and ask for help. If that seems hard to do, imagine how it would feel to have them helping more, feeling happy, and doing more things together.

Take that energy with you to the conversation. Like Phil McGraw says “Awareness without action is worthless.” You have nothing to lose and so much to gain. Take action and let me know in the comments what area you see is a trigger for your feelings that you’d like to change. 

With much love and gratitude,


Be Proud of How You Show Up in This World

Be Proud of How You Show Up in This World. - Gretchen ChristyI would love to know. Are you proud of how you show up in this world?

Take that answer and apply it to your everyday life.

Do you want to show up in your PJs during your work day? If so, that’s okay.

Do  you want to have a reputation for kindness or being someone with a short fuse? Think about that thought for a second.

Choosing how you decide to present yourself every day is how you show up in a way that feels good to you, in a way that you want to be seen and in a way that has integrity for you.

Consider this the next time you’re doing an act of kindness or feeling the urge to say some words that you know you shouldn’t. –It’s a representation of how you are choosing to show up in this world. Make it a good one!

How will you show up today? Let me know in the comments.

With much love and gratitude,


Abundance -Not Something We Acquire

Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into. -Wayne DyerI love that feeling when I realize I’m being present in the current moment and have exactly what I need right when I need it.

Often times it doesn’t sink in until I’m experiencing it and when it does, I feel the greatest connection within.

It’s so important to take the time to realize that abundance is definitely always present as long as we give it a chance.

I encourage you to give the feeling of abundance a chance by taking note of it the next time you see it. If  you’ve got thoughts on feeling abundant, let me know in the comments.

With much love and gratitude,


Need a Change of Attitude?

Need a Change of Attitude?Have you ever hung out with a family member or friend who always seems like a total downer because after the thousandth interaction with them you notice that they only complain or have a negative approach with everything they say.

They embody the phrase, “If you give them a rose, they’ll complain about the thorns”.

This attitude can spread to you and before you know it, you’re in the same negative mindset and talking in the same dreary, negative way. Uggh!

Or, maybe you’re the person complaining about the thorn in that lovely bouquet of roses! What?? We’ve all been there and it’s not easy to catch yourself when that happens, right?

It’s so frustrating when you realize this is going on and, there’s also a way to right the ship when it happens. Quite frankly, a way to avoid it all together.

What if you could help get your negative-nelly friend or co-worker out of that awful attitude, too? It’s totally possible.

Like an editor makes a book sound better, you can also wield your own “red pen” to re-shape the words you use to describe your situation. This means you can reset your attitude and usually avoid getting there from the start.

The Key?

Edit your words.

Words work as symbols and influence your way of thinking. This means you can create your own reality. Good or bad. Why not go after shaping a positive reality for yourself?

My children are one way that has helped to change the way my words shape my day and it’s this same editing process that can help you, too.

You reposition your phrases to be positive and about what you want. For example, “Aiden, the fork is for putting the spaghetti into your mouth.” vs. “Aiden, don’t dig the fork into the table.”

See how the first sentence sounds more positive than the second one? You can do this with your own words to amazing effect. It can change your attitude for the better no matter the situation at hand.

Once you get into the practice of it, it becomes a habit. Your good outlook on the world will show and spread to those around you. You’ll be and come across to others as a calm, cool and collected person in control of their world. Folks will want to be around you more.

At the end of a day, you’ll feel better about all of the good you’ve accomplished instead of focusing too much on the negative stuff that happened. You’ll be able to shake off the yucky parts of your day more easily.  

Okay, now try it for yourself. The next time you find yourself saying “I can’t do XYZ”, try to rephrase it so it’s positioned in a more positive light. For example, you might find yourself saying, “I can’t do that because I don’t have enough time/money/space.”

You could rephrase it to say something along the lines of, “I can do that if I want to re-arrange my schedule to make time for it next week.” Or, I can buy the organic produce if I’m better at planning my meals so I don’t eat out as much. Or, “I can work on that project in my backyard when it’s sunny so I don’t need a bigger space inside to do it.”

Once you’ve tried re-phrasing your words to be more positive, let me know in the comments if you felt a difference in your outlook when you changed your words to support a more positive attitude. I think you might be surprised when you try this.

With much love and gratitude,


People May Hear Your Words, But They Feel Your Attitude

Maybe this quote should say “People and horses might hear your words but they feel your attitude.” In the case of doing a coaching session with a horse as the co-facilitator, like I’m doing now with Equus Coaching, this is completely the case.

In fact, this is how Equus Coaching works. The horse can feel or read your attitude and if it matches what you’re saying. This interaction with the horse keeps you honest and congruent.

If your words match your attitude and what you really feel, the horse will want to come closer to you. If it doesn’t, it’s your opportunity to dig deeper and figure out what else needs to be addressed so your actions match your words.

This straight-forward process sounds simple and it is, but it’s also the kind of experience that leaves you feeling like you just had a major breakthrough with something that was holding you back. Or that you finally understand why you did something that didn’t work out. It’s amazing to see in action.

Equus Coaching is a way to for us humans to understand how others are really perceiving us and feeling our attitude. I really strive to find the positive in any negative situation, especially if it’s something I can’t change. So, like with a horse-based coaching session, if you’re showing an angry and upset attitude, people won’t be able to listen to you. Learning firsthand how this works is so helpful to getting ahead.

As I’ve been doing Equus Coaching sessions, I’ve seen attitudes lift and ah-ha moments happen. People end the session walking a little taller, more confident and excited to get back to their life with this new understanding of themselves. It’s been amazing to see it happen.

The next time you’re in a public setting, notice when someone’s words aren’t matching their attitude. Maybe it’s a grumpy greeter at a restaurant or an overworked barista whose words are pleasant, but you can tell they don’t match how they feel.

Let me know in the comments if you’ve noticed this before. How did it compel or repel you towards or from that person?

With much love and gratitude,
