Awareness Without Action is Worthless

Awareness without action is worthless. - Phil McGrawAre there certain actions or thoughts that have a negative impact on you and trigger you to feel a certain way? Possibly angry, envious, jealous, sad?

Maybe your partner isn’t contributing as much as you think they should. Or perhaps your kids choose to ignore their chores and it becomes one more thing you have to do. Can you relate?

If you can say yes in that you are aware of what makes you feel a certain way, I want you to reach around and pat yourself on the back. Having that awareness is a gift to yourself. Now, the key is taking action on it. We don’t want for each time we feel triggered to just let it be.

Let’s say you can relate to feeling that your partner isn’t doing their fair share. Rather than stewing on it and feeling angry, what can you do to take action on your awareness? You could explain to them how you’re feeling and ask for help. If that seems hard to do, imagine how it would feel to have them helping more, feeling happy, and doing more things together.

Take that energy with you to the conversation. Like Phil McGraw says “Awareness without action is worthless.” You have nothing to lose and so much to gain. Take action and let me know in the comments what area you see is a trigger for your feelings that you’d like to change. 

With much love and gratitude,


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