Awareness Without Action is Worthless

Awareness without action is worthless. - Phil McGrawAre there certain actions or thoughts that have a negative impact on you and trigger you to feel a certain way? Possibly angry, envious, jealous, sad?

Maybe your partner isn’t contributing as much as you think they should. Or perhaps your kids choose to ignore their chores and it becomes one more thing you have to do. Can you relate?

If you can say yes in that you are aware of what makes you feel a certain way, I want you to reach around and pat yourself on the back. Having that awareness is a gift to yourself. Now, the key is taking action on it. We don’t want for each time we feel triggered to just let it be.

Let’s say you can relate to feeling that your partner isn’t doing their fair share. Rather than stewing on it and feeling angry, what can you do to take action on your awareness? You could explain to them how you’re feeling and ask for help. If that seems hard to do, imagine how it would feel to have them helping more, feeling happy, and doing more things together.

Take that energy with you to the conversation. Like Phil McGraw says “Awareness without action is worthless.” You have nothing to lose and so much to gain. Take action and let me know in the comments what area you see is a trigger for your feelings that you’d like to change. 

With much love and gratitude,


Ready to Unfriend Almost Everyone? Do This One Thing Instead.

Ready to Unfriend Almost Everyone? Do This One Thing Instead.Do you think the internet is getting a bad rep?

I may be the first parent to take this position but seriously, in this crazy world we live in, the internet is actually making us more connected. Thank god for it!

On Facebook alone, I’ve been able to reconnect with childhood friends (love seeing their pics!), stay up to date with current friends, learn about local events and about what’s happening all over.

Yes, the internet, especially social media has its downsides. Doesn’t everything we love? We’ve all seen it cause people to feel more bold and say things they would never say to someone IN person. IN real life. That’s one of my biggest pet peeves about the internet. Second only to ALL of the daily does of horrible, heart-wrenching news that’s always out there. Some days, it can be too much for a mere mortal to take.

But for every person that has that feeling, and I think I’m included in this group, I’ve got a personal challenge for you.

What do you do with those negative posts?

How do you respond or don’t you?

I’m serious when I ask this. Do you engage with the post in some way?

Maybe you read it, internalize it and let the yuck wash over you for the rest of the day feeling like there’s nothing you can “do” about it. This stuff feels so BIG sometimes that it can make you feel really small.

Even though sometimes you might like to un-friend just about everyone, let me know if you can give this a try instead.

When you next see something that triggers those “this is why I hate the internet” feelings, post something good. Post something funny. Post something mundane that you are doing right then like folding laundry or booking your next vacation.

By posting something positive or giving a personal update of what you’re doing, you’re elevating your experience online and the experience of those that you’re connected with.

It gives you a great opportunity to be an agent of change. Like a ninja of niceness. Like that? 😉 You get to spread kindness, good vibes, laughs, and an authentic hello from you to the world. The world that wants to hear from the REAL you, by the way. 🙂

You become an positive influencer for your newsfeed and the news that your friends and acquaintances are getting.  

Try it out and let me know if it makes you feel like you could finally “do” something to balance out the icky side of the internet. Do your friends and family respond with likes? Do they share your post like a friendly wave from across the parking lot at the mall?

I’d love to hear how embracing your inner Niceness Ninja works for you. Leave me a note in the comments to let me know.

With much love and gratitude,




Always planning for Worse Case Scenario?

Always planning for Worse Case Scenario? A must read! Does life feel like it’s humming along just fine, however, you still feel worried about what’s to come?

Even if life is stable—you’ve got a great job, your kids are doing well, you’re healthy—feeling uncertain about all the things that are most important to you can still happen.

It’s easy to feel like you’re always waiting for the next unforeseen “thing” to occur. This can make you go into total “worse case scenario” mode. Have you been there?

Worse case scenario mode is when you try to plan for every possible outcome, most of which are bad, that race through your mind. This is so you feel prepared for anything that might come your way.

In the process of preparing for what can feel like a battle all the time, the joy of the day or month can easily evaporate. The thoughts racing through your mind take you away from being in the present moment. It can keep you in this worry zone, making you feel like you can’t come up for air.

When you notice this starting to happen, what can you do?

Dig In

Take a look at what you want. Not what someone else wants but what YOU want. As if no one else were a part of your world, what would you want to do, to have, to feel?

  • What makes you glow?
  • Who do you love to spend time with?
  • What makes you happy?
  • What makes you laugh?
  • What makes you feel strong?
  • What makes you feel proud?
  • What makes you feel loved?

Did the answer to those come to you right away or did it send you into a little bit of a panic?

Constant worrying creates a whirl of urgent activity and it leaves little room for considering what matters most to you.

Skip It?

Does it feel easier to keep reading instead of stopping to answer those questions? If it does, I urge you to stop and go back to answer those questions as much as you can right now.

Yep, head back up to that list and jot down the first thing that comes to mind for each. Even if it feels imperfect, keep going. You know what they say, first thought is the best thought. Don’t overthink it. 🙂

Way to Go!

Now that you’ve come up with some answers for those questions, you know more about what YOU want out of life. This is what you emotionally want to feel like and what you physically want out of life. It’s like your life wish list.

Knowing what you (yes specific to just you!) want in life helps to cut your to-do list in half because you will have likely knocked off half of the things, or at the very least, have moved them from the “need” category to the “nice to have” category on your list.

Knowing what you want means that you’ll feel less anxious, panicked and worried about life.

You’ll feel more confident, more capable, and like you are up to the challenge of taking on the world.

What’s something in your answers that surprised you most? What’s one that really excited you? And most importantly, what are a few things you can put in place to get those things?

Here’s to you making that life wish list happen! Everything is possible if you believe in yourself!

With much love and gratitude,


Don’t Give Up Trying

“Just don’t give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don’t think you can go wrong.” – Ella Fitzgerald As I continue to transition my focus in business (and in life for that matter!), I find that there are always roadblocks and hurdles to overcome.

At times, I consider throwing in the towel.

I think, who am I to be doing this?

Am I really cut out for this work?

Am I following the right path that I’m meant to be following? Please show me the signs like yesterday!

All of these thoughts are major energy drains when I allow myself to go there. I can easily fall into self doubt and negative self talk.

However, only when I’m really feeling those feels and having those thoughts do I reflect and remember that if I don’t continue to try to achieve my goals, they’re never going to become my reality. I quickly turn those negative thoughts into positive ones.

My greatest work during this time of transition is to remember why I’m doing it and to make sure I’m doing only the work that I love. Can you relate?

So I find this quote to be quite fitting when I start to feel this way.

“Just don’t give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don’t think you can go wrong.” – Ella Fitzgerald



When is the last time you did something that was just for you?

When is the last time you did something that was just for you?I’d love to know, do you ever find yourself feeling in a funk but not sure how to get out of it? Maybe you’re not sure what to do to recharge your own batteries? An especially busy time of year can have that effect on us.

So tell me, what do you do in your free time?

Okay, I know you probably don’t feel like you have free time but if you magically had some appear, say an appointment cancelled or you got a few snow days, what would you most want to do that helped you to feel strong and energized?

Seriously, something that’s not a chore or designed to help you get ahead for the next day or week?

When is the last time you did something that was just for you? That was not a chore or out of a sense of obligation? Something that filled your energy bucket?

One thing I did this past weekend was give myself permission to rest. On Saturday, even though it was unusually warm here in Ohio, I rested for the majority of the afternoon. It felt so good and I didn’t even feel guilty about it.

For me, that’s huge! And I knew from the events that took place the day before that I needed to refuel to feel good.

If it was too long ago for you to recall or you’re not sure you know what to do to recharge, keep reading.

Is it your mind, body or soul that needs an uplift?

When you feel depleted, notice what area it is that you need help with.


If it’s your mind, what can you do to switch it up and get more into your body? What workout can you go and do? Maybe a yoga, dance or cycling class? Maybe a long walk through the park? Maybe some time in silence?


If it’s your body that needs to be rejuvenated, what can you do to give it extra attention and a change from the usual? A massage or a mani/pedi? Maybe a healthy, home cooked meal where you know all the ingredients that are in it.


If you’re not sure what needs to be recharged, I put this into the soul category. You may want to plan a vacation or an art retreat so you have something to look forward to. Would it feel good to plan a lunch or coffee date with a friend?

Journaling or drawing around a topic that seems to be gnawing at you can be helpful, too. Start with one idea and keep writing, bulleting ideas or drawing about it from that seed idea. Notice if it helps you work through the “thing” that makes you feel less than 100%.

If you’re not sure what you need, let’s talk (on the house, of course). I’m happy to chat with you to help figure out what you need to feel high-energy and ready to make your regular life better like you know it can be. Click here to schedule a FREE, twenty minute call with me.

I’d love to help you get a step ahead and feeling good about your life!

Here’s to your amazing, fulfilling life. Go get it!

With much love and gratitude,


The Most Powerful Relationship Is…

“The most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself.” ~ Steve Maraboli“The most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself.” ~ Steve Maraboli

Have you ever really thought about the words above? No really, have you?! Such a beautiful reminder and I invite you to sit with it and take it in.

It’s 100% true that the relationship you have with yourself will always be the most powerful. You have total control over it and can change or modify it however + whenever you wish. How amazing is that?

Your relationships with others is also a reflection of the relationship you have with yourself.

Can you feel that to be true?

I can and I can also see how at times I go above and beyond for others and as a result, lack the self care for myself. And we all know what that does for ourselves. Nothing. It serves us in no positive way what-so-ever!

So if you find you’re feeling depleted, overwhelmed, or just tired; check in with yourself. Take note of the relationship you’re currently having with yourself.

Is it what you want? Does if feel the way you want it to?

If not, change it! You have the power and the ability to do that for yourself.

It’s so important that we take the greatest possible care of ourselves so that we can always be the best versions of ourselves. Physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Please don’t forget that.



Are You Daring to Set Boundaries?

“Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves, even when we risk disappointing others.” Brené BrownCan you can relate to this quote?

“Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves, even when we risk disappointing others.” -Brené Brown

I find as an entrepreneur (and mom, and wife, and friend, and the list could continue on…), I’m such a giver and always want for things to be done just right and for all involved to be happy, that I end up overstepping my own boundaries.

That in turn makes it really easy for me to allow others to do the same since I do it to myself. A little vicious cycle going on there! We must remember how important it is to honor our own boundaries and to love ourselves. We must start with ourselves first to then know what and how to ask it of others.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments. Do you feel like your boundaries honor your needs?

With much love and gratitude,


Need a Change of Attitude?

Need a Change of Attitude?Have you ever hung out with a family member or friend who always seems like a total downer because after the thousandth interaction with them you notice that they only complain or have a negative approach with everything they say.

They embody the phrase, “If you give them a rose, they’ll complain about the thorns”.

This attitude can spread to you and before you know it, you’re in the same negative mindset and talking in the same dreary, negative way. Uggh!

Or, maybe you’re the person complaining about the thorn in that lovely bouquet of roses! What?? We’ve all been there and it’s not easy to catch yourself when that happens, right?

It’s so frustrating when you realize this is going on and, there’s also a way to right the ship when it happens. Quite frankly, a way to avoid it all together.

What if you could help get your negative-nelly friend or co-worker out of that awful attitude, too? It’s totally possible.

Like an editor makes a book sound better, you can also wield your own “red pen” to re-shape the words you use to describe your situation. This means you can reset your attitude and usually avoid getting there from the start.

The Key?

Edit your words.

Words work as symbols and influence your way of thinking. This means you can create your own reality. Good or bad. Why not go after shaping a positive reality for yourself?

My children are one way that has helped to change the way my words shape my day and it’s this same editing process that can help you, too.

You reposition your phrases to be positive and about what you want. For example, “Aiden, the fork is for putting the spaghetti into your mouth.” vs. “Aiden, don’t dig the fork into the table.”

See how the first sentence sounds more positive than the second one? You can do this with your own words to amazing effect. It can change your attitude for the better no matter the situation at hand.

Once you get into the practice of it, it becomes a habit. Your good outlook on the world will show and spread to those around you. You’ll be and come across to others as a calm, cool and collected person in control of their world. Folks will want to be around you more.

At the end of a day, you’ll feel better about all of the good you’ve accomplished instead of focusing too much on the negative stuff that happened. You’ll be able to shake off the yucky parts of your day more easily.  

Okay, now try it for yourself. The next time you find yourself saying “I can’t do XYZ”, try to rephrase it so it’s positioned in a more positive light. For example, you might find yourself saying, “I can’t do that because I don’t have enough time/money/space.”

You could rephrase it to say something along the lines of, “I can do that if I want to re-arrange my schedule to make time for it next week.” Or, I can buy the organic produce if I’m better at planning my meals so I don’t eat out as much. Or, “I can work on that project in my backyard when it’s sunny so I don’t need a bigger space inside to do it.”

Once you’ve tried re-phrasing your words to be more positive, let me know in the comments if you felt a difference in your outlook when you changed your words to support a more positive attitude. I think you might be surprised when you try this.

With much love and gratitude,
