My Personal Story

Here in Ohio, we’ve got a saying — or at least, my family does:

“If you want something, you’ve got to work for it.”

I’ve always believed that everything worth having is worth working for —
and believe me, I paid my dues with minimum-wage shifts in factories + Walmarts + small-town banks, for longer than I’d care to admit. I know what work feels like and what it doesn’t have to feel like.

But here’s what I’ve learned, in my more than 11 years supporting some of the leading life + business coaches in the industry:

“When you’ve found the work you love, you don’t need anything else.”

Except maybe — a rock-steady support person to polish, package + deliver your vision to the people you want to serve.

That’s where I step in. As a Business Strategist and Life Coach, who only does the work I love — and when my strategic planning, detail wrangling + customer care-giving talents blend with your coaching mission, things get sleek, sparkly + seriously fun.

But you probably want to know a little more about me. Me, the human being. Me, the mama, wife + outdoor adventurer.

Here’s a quick throwdown — my life story, to date.

I married my high school sweetheart (yes, it really happens!) and I’m the mama to two beautiful children. I love ‘em to pieces. Though I wouldn’t mind a few more girls-nights on the town. Gotta manifest that.

We live on an 80 acre farm in Maplewood, Ohio — we’ve got a pond, forest trails, chickens, Doobie, Sadie and Dozer (our fur babies) and two amazing horses; Blaze and Sunny. Having this home, land, and animals is a dream come true for both me and my husband…that’s another story.

I’ve got a thing for freedom + speed. And I’m not just talking business efficiency! There’s something magical about the feeling of wind circling your body on a horse, motorcycle, jet-ski, or even a brisk walk in the woods. I can’t get enough.

I do nice things for no reason. I know — it’s something of a novelty, these days. But I genuinely love volunteering at my kiddos school, and helping my friends + family with whatever they need. Doing good feels good. Always has. Always will.

I aim, above all, to be trustworthy. If a friend tells me a secret, I keep it. If a client shares a proposal, it’s on lock-down. But more importantly, I strive to do precisely what I’ve promised — in every realm of life, every single time. For me, that’s true integrity. It’s precious, and it’s powerful.

I’m leveling up — and giving more. This is a big year for my business — I’m offering new services like one-to-one business strategy coaching and equine-based coaching. I’m helping my clients get things done in a BIG way, and I absolutely love it!

Want to know more about me and how we can work together to make your business become everything you envision it to be? Start here

Thanks for visiting my virtual home.
Stay close — it’s all going platinum . . .
. . . and I want to bring you along.