Email: A Big Time Suck

Email: A Big Time SuckWe all do it. Yes, me too! I’m talking about wasting time. The tough part is that sometimes we don’t even know it.

Email is a big culprit of this kind of time wasting. It can feel like it comes in handy to zip over to check your inbox when you need a little procrastination on a project. But it can send precious hours down the tube if you let it.

Those notification pop-ups flying across your screen are irresistible to click on and read. Sometimes you feel like you’ve got to go take care of them right away because knowing you’ve got those things waiting for you just might kill you. It actually can create a lot of stress, knowing those messages are there and you can’t get to them right away, right?  

So here’s how you can save time and get a little sanity in the process…

Check It Twice

Yep, that’s right. I recommend you check your email ONCE in the morning and ONCE in the afternoon. That’s only twice a day. I can hear your groaning now and I totally understand.

I realize this may sound a little nuts, sacrilegious even, but you can if you can limit the amount of time you spend in email, it will save you hours each week if not each day.

Most office workers spend about 14 hours a week doing emails. With this technique, if you spend one to two hours a day in email, you can cut that down to five to ten hours a week of email time.

That’s four to nine hours a week that you can use for other projects or to go home early!

To gain hours back in your schedule with this approach, you’ll need to be serious about it.

You’ll need to turn off all email notifications on your computer and your phone that might sneak in and let you know about that new emails.

This works because you lose a good bit of time when you’re always jumping in and out of a task. Each time you have to jump into a task, it takes time to reorient yourself and get going with it. If you can start a task and finish it in one sitting, you get SO much more done.

And so much more *actually* crossed off your to-do list. —Sounds like results to me!

Pick what times you want to do email.

First thing in the morning for 30 minutes? Maybe you’re most important writing or planning work is best done first. If that’s the case plan for doing email a little later in the morning, say around 10:30 am.

Then plan a time in the afternoon that works for you. 2:30 pm or 3:30 pm? You pick what works best for you.

What times will you pick? Does this sound doable? Let me know what you think about this idea in the comments.

With much love and gratitude,


Success: What’s Your Definition?

Success: What’s Your Definition?Do you ever get caught up in the thought that you could be more successful? Like you should be doing more?

You see your friends curating the heck out of their life to make it look always amazing on social media. You hear about co-workers being offered a great new position. You see your neighbor driving a new car.

Ugg! It’s a sure way to make a person feel less than successful that’s for sure.

But, in what ways can you see success in yourself?

What one person sees as success is failure for another, right? Or it very likely could be.

Working a corporate job, 40 hrs/week and dressed in heels might sound great to a lot of people. Just like going for an 8am run, working in your comfy clothes, and calling it quits at 4:30 pm each day (except Friday because that’s your day off) is success to others.

And, of course both of these scenarios can seem like sparkles and unicorns to someone from the outside when in fact they’re nothing like that in reality. Thinking of success in this way makes it way too easy, way too black and white. So I’m asking. Can you dig deeper to decide what success really means to you?

How is your definition of success different from your BFF’s? Your parents? Your significant other’s or sibling’s? Go ahead and ask them what success means or looks like to them. Can you see the subtle differences there?

Maybe it’s your salary or how much you volunteer at your kid’s school that equates with success. What are your personal benchmarks for success?

It can be helpful to think about success in a very fundamental way first. Are your basic needs met? —Food, clothing, shelter, etc?

Then ask what have you done in life that you’re proud of?

I know you may be humble, and this may be hard to remember. And if you’re having a particularly rough day, it might be even harder to remember. If this is the case, go ask your friends or significant other as they may surprise you with what they remember (and were impressed with).

Maybe it was saving to buy a car, paying off your school loans, or graduating from college. Maybe it was that time you decided to take a leap of faith and start your own business.  

This all brings it into focus. Success is subjective. The cool part is that YOU get to decide what it means.What are your personal measures of success? How do you define success for you?

The clearer you get on this definition of success, the easier it is to know when you’ve achieved it.

I’d love to hear what you define as success. Would you please share with me here?

With much love and gratitude,



Stay On Track + Reach Your BIG Goal

Stay On Track + Reach Your BIG Goal Doing big things can feel totally overwhelming once you start to list out all the things it takes to get that big goal accomplished.

Staying on track can be worse! It’s so easy to get distracted to then only realize you’ve lost precious time and energy because you lost sight of your goal and wound up working on something entirely different. Can you relate?

Before you know it, you realize your focus and motivation on the big goal of yours has gone to mush.

What was originally crystal clear is now like looking at the muddy waters of the Mississippi—you just can’t see through it anymore.

How then do you stay on task and keep your focus? Especially when you’re working on a monumental project with lots of moving parts to it?

I’ve found that getting into the habit of asking yourself one question makes all the difference.

In theatre actors use a similar line of questioning by using the “magic if” to ask themselves questions about the character they’re playing. It helps them conjure up better actions and emotions for their character to so they can play the role to its fullest.

In life and business building, you can use a similar “questioning” idea to stay on track and accomplish your goals by asking a different yet still magical phrase…

What’s the next step for my biggest goal?”

When you ask yourself this one question, you all of a sudden prioritize what you need to do next. It’s clear again.

You don’t need to worry about what step comes after that. It’s a method to stay on your game and not get side tracked.

If your answer to the question does not relate to what you’re actually doing today, it makes it clear that you’ve got to adjust your plan and get back to that “next step” whatever it is.

For example, if the next big thing you’re working toward is to start your own Virtual Assistant business, you likely will have researched a business name, chosen the business entity that best fits your needs along with a whole host of other actions to get your business off the ground. Nice work! And maybe you’ve finally got a few leads that are looking promising.

Maybe you feel a little worried because you don’t know what to do next. This is a great time to stop and ask yourself, “What’s the next step for my biggest goal?”

Sometimes it takes a little thinking to get what this next action step really needs to be and you can usually get that answer in a few minutes.

In this example, if your answer is to learn how to price my services and what to include in a package so potential clients will hire me—awesome! You’ve got your next step.

This then becomes your action plan for the day.

If this next step wasn’t already on your schedule for the day, you need to change direction so your actions are linked to supporting the next most important thing for you to do to reach your goal.

Just like that, you’ve re-framed your actions to match and support your next big goal.

Now give it a go and see how this idea works for you. Ask yourself this question right now. “What’s the next step for my biggest goal?”

Leave me a comment and let me know if it changed or adjusted what you planned to do for the next day or week. I’d love to hear if it’s helpful to think of things this way.

With much love and gratitude,


P.S. If you happen to be a virtual assistant who is looking to up her business game to get and keep more of your perfect clients, I made something just for you. Check it out here.  

Trust is the glue of life….

“Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.” -Stephen Covey

This quote resonates for me because boundaries are part of that trust.

People know what you are willing to do and what you aren’t so they can trust you. They can trust how you’ll act, how you’ll show up, and how you’ll support them or not.

Trust is a required element for setting and keeping boundaries.

You have to tow your own line and expect that others will tow the line of keeping their boundaries. Otherwise, you’ll never know if you’re crossing them.

You’re not a mind reader, right? So this makes sense. You’re trusting that others will tell you when you cross the line or are about to so you can have a good relationship.

As you must do the same for them. It’s a mutual trust.

When have you let someone know that they overstepped one of your boundaries? How did you feel after doing so and how did they respond?

I’d love to hear about it in the comments.

With much love and gratitude,


Boundary Bombers: How to Keep them at Bay

Boundary Bombers: How to Keep them at BayRemember that time you got a phone call from your client or maybe it was a friend who needed something ASAP?

You didn’t want to do the task they were asking about but you felt like you had to say you’d do that ‘urgent’ but not scheduled thing out of a sense of duty, obligation and your general want to help others succeed.

And as a result of saying yes, you felt like shit right away.  

Why did you agree to help and why did it make you feel so awful?

How can you avoid that next time without throwing a grenade into the relationship?

I recently had something like this happen and it felt like a sucker punch since it came out of the blue even though I tried to do all I could to prepare for and avoid the situation.

After thinking about it, I realized this situation helped me to really recognize that I was letting one of my boundaries be overstepped since I myself wasn’t honoring it. It totally clicked.

I never liked working in disorganized and unplanned ways and now I could see that this feeling was more than a line in the sand. It was boundary that had grown to be as sturdy as the fence that keeps my horses in the pen.

It had become something that I was no longer willing to dismiss.

I can now look back and see that this boundary didn’t used to be so firm.

I was willing to let clients, family and friends procrastinate and drag their feet on things and then I’d make myself available to pick up the pieces even if it meant I let go of doing something that was important to me and outside of the times I’d normally do it.

The amazing thing is that now I see how I’m seriously OVER letting people cross this line. It’s no fun and it no longer feels helpful to get clients, family and friends out of a tough spot in the last second before things really go south.

It’s a strong boundary for me and I’m now committed to honoring it.

So I bring this question to you.

When do you let your boundaries be crossed?

The next time you feel like you’re doing something that you don’t want to do, ask yourself if you’ve let someone overstep your boundaries. What specific line was crossed? Usually it was the thing that bothers you most about the event.

Who is it with? -A family member, friend or client?

What area is it in? -Money, work, relationship, home stuff, etc…?

What state of being are you in? -Are you tired, overworked, overwhelmed, feeling healthy, feeling hungry? What else is going on that’s stressful aside from the boundary that was just crossed?

How can you make it better when it happens?

You can develop a go-to phrase that feels comfortable, one that buys you a little time to process the line crossing and check-in with yourself.

Here’s are go-to phrase examples:

  • “I need to check my calendar to make sure I’m available.”
  • “I don’t plan anything less than a day out because it’s gotten me in trouble before.”

Whatever go-to phrase you create, say it aloud a few times. It’ll make it easier to say when you’re taken by surprise the next time someone crosses your line.

Let me know in the comments what your go-to phrase is. I’d love to hear it.

With much love and gratitude,


There is absolutely nothing you can control except…

“There is absolutely nothing that you can control except showing up and doing your job.” -Tituss BurgessAs an entrepreneur working from home and in the first year or two of being in business, it took some time for me to find ways to show up consistently.

I had thoughts like…

“If I don’t have a full day of work scheduled, do I still make myself available to my clients?”

“Does it matter if I start my work day right at 9:30am (I know, it’s not early and I’m not an early bird!)?”

“Is it okay to take time away to do some household chores in between projects?”

What I did realize is that as long as I showed up everyday as the best version of myself, I was getting ahead with building a business I loved and a family life like never before. I was able to get my tasks accomplished, have happy clients and allow myself so much room for growth.

That’s why this quote by Tituss Burgess resonates for me, “There is absolutely nothing that you can control except showing up and doing your job.”

Maybe it resonates for you, too? If so, let me know in the comments.

With much love and gratitude,


Thoughts Become Things

Thoughts Become ThingsI don’t know where I originally heard this quote, “Thoughts become things” but it’s always stuck with me. And, I know it’s true.

I always try to focus on positive results since I’ve seen how it affects me in a negative way when I don’t. AND, because I’ve seen firsthand how it impacts me for the better when I maintain a positive mindset.

For example, this farm I live on wouldn’t have been possible if I hadn’t gotten on board with my husband’s proactive and positive thinking about it. He’s quite the visionary and big picture thinker. 😉

It was a big leap for us to try to buy the farm. Eight years ago, we didn’t know if we’d get approved loan-wise. Afterall, it was a huge investment and we currently already had a mortgage. And because we kept our thoughts focused in the right direction, our loan was approved and this place became our reality despite it not seeming logical or possible for that matter.

We’ve now got a modern barn, new Equus Coaching office, two horses, chickens, dogs and fields of produce on our dream property that has that beautiful tree-lined pond you see in the image (yes, that’s really my farm!).

I encourage you to hold this quote with you and have your thoughts say yes to some of the things you’ve been wanting. It allows for more, so many more possibilities to become real. Many that you wouldn’t even know are possible.

Let me know in the comments what thoughts of yours have become things.

With much love and gratitude,


Don’t Stop Until You’re Proud

Don't Stop Until You're Proud

This quote really reflects how I feel about my new office! I am SO PROUD to have this beautiful space as my new coaching HQ!

After a few months of planning, my amazingly talented husband, Shane, built this office space in our barn so I can be completely in my element when I’m doing Equus coaching sessions.

We’ve been working on it in our spare time since January and all that’s left is to put art on the walls. What do you think we should put up?

I do have a big open window that faces out into the round pen where Sunny is always patiently waiting for his next coachee. He’s quite the lover!

What’s a project that you worked on until you were proud of it? Let me know below in the comments.

With much love and gratitude,


5 Ways to Structure Your Day to Stay Motivated

5WaysStuctureDayToStayMotivatedDo you feel like you lose steam every day?

Do you notice an unproductive lull that happens in the mornings or afternoon?

Does it drive you nuts when you realize that you’ve just lost another hour to Facebook when you went on there to find something work-related?

It can be SO frustrating when this happens, again and again. How does Facebook suck you in like that? How’d you lose track of your client’s big project?

You used to feel so motivated but it’s waning now and you don’t know why you just can’t push through the dull moments to reach the other *productive* side.

If this sounds a little (or a lot) like you, here five techniques you can use to structure your day to stay motivated:

Stake Out Your Day

First thing in the morning (or even the day before, if you can) decide on the one thing you MUST do and keep that at the forefront of your actions. Put that one thing first, wait, let me capitalize that for emphasis: FIRST.  You may get off track but you come back to that ONE thing (yep, capital letters again). This small dose of planning goes a long way and ensures your ship is sailing in the right direction.

Micro Celebrate

You take turtle steps like the ones I mentioned earlier to stay out of overwhelm. Every time you finish a step, you cross it off your list and then you do a micro celebration. This might look like a power fist bump raised high in the air, like a little happy dance, or like a verbalized “woot!” with a hand clap. You decide!

Any minor acknowledgment to you completing your task will work. You just have to give yourself that little boost of happiness when you finish a task so your brain starts to associate it with motivation.

Micro celebrations can really make a difference and help keep your motivation-mojo going all day long.

Ask for Accountability

You ask someone to check in on your project status. It could be a friend, colleague, family member or even someone far away. You can tell them exactly what to ask you about and on what day so they don’t need to spin their wheels on it at all.

Knowing that someone will help hold you accountable on that follow-up email that needs to be sent or ask if you got your about page updated is a big motivator to actually getting those things done because you don’t want to have to give a negative reply.

Pony-up for Childcare

If you’ve got kids, pony-up and get childcare in place! Do not feel badly about putting your sweet child in camps over the summer or lining up after school activities.

They’ll have a ton of fun and you will actually be able to get your work done without someone asking you to feed them, fix their bumps, take them somewhere or to watch that YouTube video you don’t really like them watching for the millionth time.

For example, if I’m doing an Equus coaching session, it only makes senses that my daughter will want to be there, fully in the mix. She loves the horses! Unfortunately, this would not only be distracting to me but also for my client so I don’t do it. I make sure she’s got another activity planned during my work time.

It’s not worth the stress and while you may feel like you’re saving on childcare, you’re not making room to earn more in your business.

Get Back Up On That Horse

When you get off track, notice it. Say, “Hello Off Track Mind, we’re heading back to the task at hand”. And then come back to that ONE thing that’s your task.

Be kind to yourself when this happens and gently re-direct yourself, knowing that it’s a part of the process. Expect it, see it and have a plan to move back to where you were.

Building habits like these will help you to tap into your motivation mojo and be able to structure your day to keep taking action to get ahead to support your bigger goals.

If you don’t do these things to stay motivated, you may lose focus, mess-up jobs which can lead to lost clients, and feeling pretty awful about yourself (never a good place to be).

Notice when you skip one of these practices.

How does it make you feel? How good is your end work product? Did you lose your mind because your day lost structure? Do you find yourself a bit more edgy or snappy towards the ones you love the most?

Observe how you feel when your day is planned, you know what you need to do, when you’re crossing things off your to-do list. Do you feel like you’re getting ahead and you’re more motivated?

Let me know in the comments what you notice when you get it right or when your day didn’t go as planned. Seeing and noticing what you learn is a huge part of keeping your motivation mojo going strong throughout your day.

Cheers to saddling up and motivating that motivation mojo!

With love and gratitude,


You’ve Always Had the Power My Dear

You've always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself. -Wizard of OzI’ll admit, I wasn’t sure if I was qualified to do the Equus training program because I wasn’t sure if I could be a coach. However, I decided to take the plunge and as I went through the training, I realized I did have the courage to actually do it.

I’ve always had the willingness to say yes and do big things but I lacked the confidence. I went through the Equus Coach Training and I realized I had the confidence and power to do it all along.

Where have you felt this in your life?

With much love and gratitude,
