As you’ve heard me say before, I tend to put others before me. My kiddos, my husband, friends, family, clients; everyone. It truly matters that all have what they need and if I can be a part of making that happen, then I will and it feels good. I’m a natural humanitarian….and that can be both a good and bad thing.
One thing I’ve really noticed lately is that I need to honor my own feelings and desires as much as I do those of others. There have been some things going on in my personal life and it’s been affecting me in different ways. I’ve found by not dealing with these feelings, I’m letting my emotions of anger and hurt build up inside. Then what happens? I become the snappy wife and mom who ends up taking my emotions out on those who matter most. This feels horrible, after the fact, of course.
To end this, I’ve committed to myself going forward that I’m going surround myself with those I love most, who are a positive inspiration and make me smile. I have to remember that they don’t know I need their support unless I ask and share with them what’s going on.
Bottling my emotions up inside serves no one and brings me down and leaves me feeling raw. I’m tired of feeling this way, so I’m going to stick to my own word and reach out to my soulmates when necessary. I encourage you to take a look inside, and if you are holding on to unhealthy emotions, make a commitment to yourself to reach out to those who care about you. Let them help you help yourself.
It FEELS GOOD just writing this! Thank you as always for listening.
With love and gratitude,
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