Do You Recognize When Your Well’s Run Dry?

Do You Recognize When Your Well's Run Dry?When you read the quote below, does it resonate?

“When the well’s dry, we know the worth of water.”  ~ Benjamin Franklin

Do you immediately hear this and come up with ways that it can relate to your life?

You know, like when you’ve not let yourself have the rest you need, you’ve worked really long hours to meet deadlines, you’re fulfilling the needs of others and not yourself and then all of a sudden it catches up to you.

You’re exhausted, grouchy, you take even less care of yourself and you don’t ask for help.

All the examples I shared, are true for me too. I hate that many times it takes for me to feel completely depleted in order to realize what I need or what I’ve been lacking. My well then is almost dry.

And then, BOOM! I’m quickly reminded of the actions I can take and self care measures that’s necessary for me to thrive and remain full.

For me, it’s incredibly helpful that I plan and prepare as I mentioned in the last email I sent to you. By prioritizing my time, surrounding myself with positive people, and filling my “Happy Basket” with the things that truly bring me joy, allows me to keep my well full.

It’s not always peaches and cream, but knowing what it takes to fill me back up is what matters.

What do you do to keep your well full? Let me know in the comments.



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