Vacation Means Vacation—How to Enjoy Yours with Ease

vacationAre you one of those busy entrepreneurs who just can’t seem to find a good time to take a vacation? Or when you do, you take all of your tech devices with you and spend most of your time doing the same thing you do at home…working? News flash…that’s not really a vacation; it’s simply a temporary change in your work environment!

Now I’m not saying that’s totally a bad thing; after all, working under an umbrella, while both feet are dug into a white sandy beach ain’t all bad! But the whole idea of a vacation is to unplug. Disconnect with work and reconnect with family, friends and yourself. Vacations help you re-charge, re-energize, re-vitalize and re-group. And as entrepreneurs and sole business owners, we really need that, don’t we?

I just returned from an awesome vacation where I was able to really shut down, shift my brain from work to life, and completely commit to my vacation time. I enjoyed beautiful beaches, incredible sunsets and the simple, lazy days that vacations offer us. As a result, I’m back, rested and totally jazzed about my business and my awesome clients!

How was I able to do it? I’m excited to share my little secrets with you in hopes that you, too, can take the kind of vacation that brings joy and energy back into your world!

Planning. This is the key to everything, really. Thorough planning will help ensure that all aspects of your business are handled in your absence. Give your clients plenty of notice of your time away, and go to them with a plan for how they will be cared for during your absence. Set up a calendar, checklists and to-do lists to help you cover every task, and every situation that might come up. Of course, you can’t plan for everything, but prepare as completely as possible. This might mean pre-scheduling social media posts and newsletters; adjusting calendar schedules, preparing out-of-office messages on your emails, and even getting payroll or other accounting activities done ahead of time. The more you handle in advance, the more you can relax during your lazy vacation days.

Teamwork. I just can’t say enough about teamwork. Having a competent team of support professionals is frankly, the best way to give yourself the gift of down time with absolute confidence. Oftentimes, depending on your business, having even one support person to handle things in your absence can be all you need to ensure that your business continues to run smoothly. It’s an investment with a huge ROI in terms of your time, your health and your mental well-being.

Boundaries. If there is simply no other way around working during your vacation, then establish a few boundaries for yourself. Decide ahead of time when and how much time you will spend working each day. Establish set times for work; set limits, and then stick to them. Outside those designated times, leave your computer turned off and your cell phone on the nightstand (or at least in your beach bag or backpack).

Vacation means vacation. You owe it to yourself, your family, your business and your clients to be the best you can be, which means taking care of yourself, physically, mentally and emotionally. Vacations help you do just that. It really is therapeutic, aside from being just plain fun! Work means work. Vacation means vacation. Try not to mix the two!

How A Simple Doodle Can Turn Your Nightmare Into a Sweet Dream

Have you ever had to schedule a meeting involving several very busy people? Most of us have, and some of us do so on a regularly basis. You know what a nightmare it can be! Emails flying back and forth with options and alternatives; he can, she can’t; that works, that doesn’t. Oh my!

There is help out there, though, in a great little tool with a funny little name—Doodle! I like just saying it, and I love using it. It’s easy, fun, and free. And it’s not just for finding meeting times; it’s also a wonderful tool for conducting surveys and polls.

Here’s a little rundown of Doodle:

  • Doodle is a very simple, online polling tool used for scheduling meetings, or taking polls and surveys among groups of busy people.
  • The free version of Doodle offers the features most of us need for scheduling and polling, in addition to a mobile web app, as well as a native app for iPads and iPhones.
  • Another great feature is MeetMe, which allows people to see your availability and submit meeting requests to get on your calendar.
  • There is also an upgraded, ad-free version, at a very affordable price, that offers additional features if you need them, such as calendar connections.

To use as a meeting scheduler—

  • Once you create your free account, you simply name your meeting, select your options for meeting dates and times, and then email your meeting poll to the invitees.
  • As each invitee responds to the poll and enters their preferences, you receive an email to notify you of the update.
  • Once you are notified that all invitees have completed their selections, you return to the meeting poll, you select the preferred date and time, and then choose the email function to send all invitees a confirmation email.

Sounds simple, right? And setting up a survey or poll is just as easy!

Our team has used Doodle many times to get meetings scheduled for our clients. It’s definitely a significant tool in our toolbox. If you’re not familiar with Doodle, you should give it try the next time you need to set up a meeting or gather opinions. It’s fun and easy to Doodle!

Saying Yes When You Really Should Have Said No

Have you ever been guilty of this? I know I have, and I just had an experience that really reminded me to seriously think about my answer before I jump the gun and dive in with a Yes.

A great friend and colleague of mine approached me with a new business venture. I was stoked! We met up several times (she’s local; YAY!), mapped things out, started focusing deeper and deeper. Then, I realized that while I was stoked about this, I was more stoked for her and this awesome idea she had. It was her heart’s passion work, not mine.

It didn’t take long for me to realize that with the work I’m currently doing for my business and for my clients (that I love doing), I didn’t have the extra time to give to a new venture. But I wanted to help! I knew I could help! I wanted to make her vision become a reality! But the true reality was, this wasn’t for me to do. I should have thought this through and said no from the beginning.

So the next conversation was hard. I procrastinated, but in the end, it was fine. We’re still the greatest of friends and she completely understands. It’s life and sometimes we make mistakes, and that’s okay.

Looking back at the situation now, I know I should have said no for many reasons, but I chose not to follow my heart or listen to my intuition. I wanted to be the natural nurturer that I am.

Another great reminder and lesson learned.

With love and gratitude,

Are Your Systems and Processes Working Like They Should?

image - cogsIsn’t it exciting when you implement a new system or process that improves your productivity in some way? I’m all about providing the best service I can to my clients in the most effective way possible, and my team and I simply could not do this without the great systems and processes we have in place.

About once or twice a year, I schedule time to review my systems and processes to make sure they are still serving us well. With my team’s input, I make any necessary updates or changes I feel will improve our performance, and our commitment to our clients. I take a look at everything we use to service our clients, no matter how simple it might seem.

Here are just a few of the areas I review on a regular basis. I hope it gives you some ideas for reviewing your own systems and processes:


  • Project management
  • Email marketing
  • Client management systems
  • File storage and transfers
  • Accounting
  • Security


  • Internal communications
  • Client communications
  • Document transmissions
  • Calendar management
  • Time management

As part of my reviews, I might also include a quick search to see if there are updated versions available, or maybe even completely new systems I need to consider. I’m not one to make changes simply to say I have the latest and greatest if what I’m using is still serving its purpose. But I’m always open to change if I can see definite benefits for my team and my clients.

We owe it to our clients to provide them with best service in the most effective way possible. It’s what they pay for, what they expect, and what they should receive on a consistent basis. To ensure that you are living up to your great reputation for service and delivery, make time to review your systems and processes on a regular basis. You can only serve your clients as well as your systems and processes serve you.

Stay Connected With Your Clients With Send Personally For Outlook

In our last Cool Tool discussion, I shared with you some of the benefits of using an email marketing program in your business. Today, I want to tell you about another cool tool I’ve recently discovered called Send Personally, which can also be used to connect with your clients from the comfort of your Microsoft Outlook email program.

My team and I were researching alternatives to using full-service e-marketing programs for a client who isn’t yet ready for that step, but still wants to keep in touch with her ongoing clients. This particular client was looking for a way to easily communicate with the participants in her coaching programs. She wanted something simple that would allow her to send a quick email to her coaching groups without going into an e-marketing program and setting up a broadcast. We decided to go with Send Personally, and so far, it’s a pretty cool tool! It offers too much to discuss everything now, but here’s a quick overview.

What it is…

Send Personally is nifty little add-in feature for Microsoft Outlook users. It allows you to send individual, personalized emails, but with the ease of a bulk mailing. You can send to large groups at once, and you can even include attachments and special formatting in the text that will be received and displayed properly by each recipient regardless of their email client. I love that!

How it works…

  • Once you purchase the Send Personally add-in (it’s very inexpensive), and download it to Outlook, you are pretty much set to go! Hint: Make sure your Add-in feature under Options is checked to allow add-ins.
  • From Outlook, create your group in your address book, and then set up your email as you normally would.
  • Now this is the really important part…When you’re ready to send, click on the Send Personally button (on your toolbar) instead of Send. That’s it!

Cool things to know…

  • Even though your entire group list shows in To: section of your email, each recipient’s email will be addressed only to them. They will not see the other recipients’ names.
  • If a recipient mistakenly hits the “Reply to All” button, their email will still only be sent to you. None of the other recipients will receive it. Nice, huh?
  • Because each email is generated as an individual message, it eliminates the size of the heading becoming huge, which occurs when an email is sent to dozens (or hundreds) of recipients at once, and can often cause issues with being tagged as spam or junk mail.
  • You can use macros in your emails to further personalize your message to each recipient.

One word of caution…You do want to be very careful about using this as an email marketing tool for sending to people unsolicited. That’s called spamming, and that’s not allowed. This program is really meant for communicating with groups of people who know you and who want to receive information from you. It’s a good idea to include a message at the bottom of your emails instructing the recipients to reply to you if they want to be removed from your mailings.

If you’re not quite ready for one of the more sophisticated e-marketing programs, and you are Outlook user, check out Send Personally. We’ve had great success with it so far, and our client is very pleased!

Working with the Right Clients—Its Not Just About Your Target Market

Have you ever started a new client partnership that seemed like it was going to be a rewarding, long-term relationship, only to realize later that things weren’t working out quite the way you had envisioned? They’re in the right target market and the right niche for you, and their needs match your skills to a tee. So what happened?

One of the primary factors in finding the right clients is of course, connecting with people in your particular niche. Making sure that your skills and services can provide them with the support they need is first and foremost. But, there’s a second factor to consider that is equally as important, and that’s the human factor.

So, what should you consider when looking at the human factor?

  • Personality –Is this a person that you hit it off with right away, or have your interactions been awkward and uncomfortable from the beginning?
  • Work ethic – Do they have similar philosophies as you about honesty, integrity, commitment and responsibility?
  • Work style – Does their work style fit with yours, in terms of communications, availability, project timelines, and expectations?

Your expertise will take care of the work side of things, but if you don’t have that human factor in there, the relationship may not prove to be what you both anticipate in the beginning. And that can make for a stressful and unfulfilling work environment.

When I’m working on a new client prospect, I ask them to complete a pre-client assessment. My assessment form includes questions that help me decide if they are a good fit for my business model. Nothing too personal, of course, and I always give them the option of not completing the form (which in itself gives me a good indication that they might not be the right match for me). And finally, I rely on my intuition; that “gut feeling” that we’re all blessed with.

Try using an assessment form for your next prospect, and then, do as I do…and go with your gut!

How to Make the Most of Your E-Marketing Program

As a small business owner, you may already be using an email marketing program to build your list and capture readers for your newsletter or other marketing campaigns. But these cool tools can be used for much more than that!

There are so many great e-marketing programs out there today—Mailchimp, AWeber, Constant Contact, and various shopping cart programs for full-on email marketing with purchasing features. Not only do these programs automate your list-building and newsletter processes, they are great for streamlining your client/customer communications.

While my team uses numerous programs for our clients, we use Mailchimp for our own business. It’s very intuitive, allows us to customize our templates, copy names between lists, and export the lists when I need to. We use Mailchimp for communicating special announcements to our valued clients. It works well for us, and is so easy to use and maintain. We also like Constant Contact and AWeber, both of which offer a few additional advanced features.

As a coach, trainer or consultant with a steady client base, e-marketing programs are invaluable for staying in touch with your clients. You can automate your systems by setting up autoresponders to broadcast different messages at regular intervals. Your messages might include program notices and announcements, weekly lessons and tips, and notes of encouragement or appreciation. Even surveys and feedback forms can be sent through your e-marketing program.

Most e-marketing programs offer a variety of features and service levels that will accommodate even the tightest budgets, including a free version, which I always recommend trying first. To find the one that’s right for you, research the features and costs, and if available, sign up for a free trial and play with it for a while. Make sure it fits not only your specific needs, but your work style and your budget. User-friendly to some is tech-speak to others, so technical support is very important. Also, you may want a program that is easy to upgrade when the time comes, and has integration features with other programs.

The more you can automate your processes, the more streamlined your business becomes. And that makes for smooth operations and easy management.

How to Keep Your Cool in the Heat of Summer

image - Coley with chickenI love summer! Every year, I look forward to it and everything that comes along with it. Summers here on our farm are full of outdoor activities with the kids, play time with the animals, lots of fresh veggies from the garden, and evening cookouts and bonfires with friends and family. Here are the kiddos spending time with some of our animals.

image - Cree with SunnyThere’s just one thing…business goes on all year long! I can’t put my business on hold simply because the temperature rises above 85 degrees (but wouldn’t that be nice?!). So, I’ve had to find ways to manage my business, maintaining the high level of service and care I provide my clients, and still make time for the kids and summer time. With lots of organization and careful planning, I’m able to have the best of both worlds.

Below are a few of my best tips to help you find that work/life balance during these glorious days of summer:

  1. Start planning early. Whether it’s writing your blogs and newsletters, preparing your social media and other networking activities, or launching your summer coaching program, begin planning in early spring. Create a calendar of activities that need to be done over the summer months, and complete as much as you can before your summer begins. This is important—Include both work and play time on your calendar.
  1. Automate as much as you can. Take advantage of some of the awesome automation tools out there to help you stay on schedule. For instance, Hootsuite is great for scheduling your social media posts. And all of the newsletter programs, such as Mailchimp and AWeber allow you to schedule your broadcasts far in advance. You can even create autoresponders in these programs to stay in touch with your clients, and send materials and other info at regular intervals.
  1. Communicate. Have a conversation with your clients as well as your support team so that everyone is on the same page about the summer schedule. Work closely with your support team so that during times when you do want to get out and enjoy a bit of laid-back summer time, your team will be there to handle things while you’re away, making your time off worry-free!

Whether you have kids or not, enjoying your summer can and should blend well with managing your business. Scheduling a little play time each day to go for a horse ride, a swim, sit on the porch, or whatever your summer fun involves is an important part of balancing your work and life during these hot summer days. They’ll be over before you know it, so get busy and go have some summer fun!