Time is the only thing we don’t get enough of right? No matter how organized a person is, we’ve all been caught with not having enough time at one point or another. And for those of us who feel like we’re always running out of time, it can be an exhausting, never-ending cycle of panic as deadlines come due.
So, in hopes of helping you gain some sanity by being better with your time, I’m sharing one time management tip that surprised me in how helpful it was.
The Disruptor
At the end of every day, do you feel like you’ve got so much to do that your mind is still racing about all the things you need to do the next day?
Or perhaps, you lay awake in bed with all of those little to-do things running through your mind, keeping you up half the night? If so, this is for you.
The Stressbuster
There’s an easy way to save those worries about ALL the things that need to get done. Seriously!
Near the end of your work day, take ten minutes to list all of the things that you have to do the next day. Include anything from the current day that didn’t get done.
Look at your list. Is there anything that jumps out that needs to be done first thing the next day? Highlight it.
Are there any external deadlines you need to meet? Note those so you can work toward them so you don’t let them slip.
You’re creating your plan of action for the following day which will save you stress and all kinds of time spent feeling panicked about what you need to do next.
Why it Works
Our brain keeps trying to find a place to organize those thoughts and to-do items because it knows those things are important and that we don’t want to lose track of them. Writing them down allows your brain to hit the pause button so you can go home and rest at the end of a busy day because after writing down all the things you have to do, you have a plan. This is your battle plan for the next day.
When you wake up, you don’t have to worry or stress out about all of the things you need to do because you’ve already figured this out. You just need to show up and work the plan you created the day before.
Ahhhh, what an empowering feeling, right?
All of a sudden you feel ready for battle instead of feeling like you’re constantly about to be ambushed by your to-do list.
You may feel like a super organized person or someone who can definitely use a little help on this front. In either case, I encourage you to try planning your to-do list the day before and let me know if you find it helpful to feeling more sane and in control of each day and each week.
With much love and gratitude,
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