Micro Strategy Session

Have you had a question that’s been gnawing at you for a while? Something that you’re not sure who to talk to about it or that you just haven’t fallen on what feels like the right approach to take with the issue?

You’ve been feeling overwhelmed and just want to get over feeling that way?

You think that if you could just get past this one thing, you’d finally have what you need to feel better about life?

What if you could totally see yourself showing up like you want, feeling confident and happy?

You’re ready to feel in charge of your life and have an easy time making decisions without laboring over them.

You’re excited about moving forward and making the exciting things in life finally happen.

Pretty nice image of life, right? But right now you’re still in this place where you’ve got questions and aren’t feeling great about things.

Do any of these sound familiar?

  • You wonder why you feel exhausted all the time.
  • You become frustrated so easily.
  • You’re so overwhelmed that you feel like you’re spinning your wheels.
  • You’re afraid that if you don’t do something soon, you might lose it!

As a Business Strategist and Equus Coach, I work with extraordinary entrepreneurs who need someone that’s able to take their big vision and break it down into tangible, clickable reality.

I also work with amazing women and men who want more out of life so they finally feel fulfilled by the work they put into living.

With the Micro Strategy session, I’ll help you learn how to get control over your overwhelm or another area where you need clarity. As well as get closer to knowing what you really want and have a better understanding about what’s holding you back from getting it. You’ll be able to see yourself in the driver’s seat of your own life.

As a result of this Micro Strategy session you’ll:

  • Feel fully centered and grounded
  • Feel in greater control of how you show up for life and grow your business
  • Conquer your hidden beliefs that are holding you back
  • See where you can take action to shift what you create

This Session Includes

Pre-Call In-take Form

You’ll answer a set of questions that will help you to feel prepared and ready to get the most out of our time together. Your answers also help me to better understand what you need so that when we speak, we can be super efficient with your time and dive right into what you need.

Connection Call

This is a 60 minute call that allows us to connect and dig-in to help you find clarity and your next action steps around one area where you’d really like to make progress. We’ll meet by phone to get you answers, ah-ha’s and action steps. This is central to helping you get clarity on your specific topic because we’ll be speaking in real time with each other just as if we were out having a coffee together.

Action Plan

You’ll leave the call with an action plan that is designed to move you closer to meeting your bigger goals. These are the steps you’ll take to cement the progress and clarity you’ve gotten during our time together.


After our session together, you’ll send me an update on your action plan and I’ll send you feedback, tips and inspiration based on your specific need. This is a personal coaching email from me that’s tailored to your situation and your action plan. This is great because it ensures that you keep going and making progress toward your bigger life and work goals, which feels amazing!

Here’s your chance to FINALLY ditch all of your excuses and make headway on that one thing that’s been holding you back, whether it’s feeling overwhelmed and not being able to get out of it or just not knowing what you should do next.

Investment: $87

Let’s get started!

Are you ready to work with me to go from scattered and overwhelmed to having a calm understanding of what the next best thing to do is? If so, here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Make your payment and schedule your session here.

Step 2: You’ll answer the Pre-Call Questions through the payment and scheduling link.

Step 3: We’ll hold your session and get you the clarity around your topic and start to feel less overwhelmed and ready to go after what you want in life!


Email me at contact at gretchenchristy dot com and I’ll personally respond.